Thursday, November 25, 2021

Ecclesiastes, Gacha Games, and Property

I was thinking about Ecclesiastes while watching pastors and religious people on youtube talked about it. Then some thoughts lined up in my mind. Ecclesiastes are talking about how maxing an aspect of life wouldn't be the answer to all of our problems. Maxing wisdom wouldn't always translate to pleasure and health, maxing pleasure wouldn't translate to wisdom or a fulfilled life and relationships (I took a bit from the songs of solomon here), maxing wealth wouldn't translate to lasting values. 

There's always going to be needs, different people different problems.
Beyond every solutions lies further problems
So what should be the goal of my life?

Walk with God

Psalm has the answer right? 

Put the highest value to God's commandments and the fear of the lord, that's the lifestyle of one who would always live with problems... wisdom (although the pursuit and the achievements of wisdom wouldn't complete your life all the way).

Notice that the commandments of God were passed down in the form of restriction. Yes there were instructions like "Go to Canaan", but the law was the 10 commandments and they were all restrictions. Don't do this, don't do that, well honoring your parents is an instruction yes I was wrong about that sorry. The point that I'm trying to make remains though, that the law is about sin what is sinful what is bad what is not to do. 

Why is the law the answer to setting up the goal of life? In my opinion it's because beyond restrictions there are freedom because after you've observed the law you'd be free to be and to do the rest of life. The law speaks God's bestowment of Authority over one's self, so that we are not being under the authority of another person or other people, only God and the law. That's freedom, that's property, that's the perimeter set for the sake of our room to own.  

As a Christian I'll refer to Jesus' saying "The Truth will set you free". This is another nuance to the notion, which is the fact that laws that don't connect with the Truth would become obselete. So you would always want to refer to the Truth and not just the wordings of the law, the relationship between the current and the order. 

It's amazing how gacha games of now really capture this archetype well. Collecting a type of resources won't guarantee one's access to everything that's being offered by the game, even when exchanges were available there were still rates and they might not be fair. I think about this parallel and consider how the advancements of technologies led to mathematical machines, computers, and the internet. How such technologies are the collection of knowledge, compact manifestation of ingenuities and many many laws of nature, wisdom. So products made on top of them would also carry the wisdom of history in them. As much as the popularity of the low estimation of the people towards games and online entertainments, hidden within them are treasures of Atlantis.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Further into the Spirit of Truth v.03

This post is actually a consideration rather than a conclusion,

If spirits are inclinations then "The Spirit of Truth" is the inclination of the Truth

We know that we are here now, and we could rely on the fact that the world wouldn't just end *snap just like that without reasonable sequences. There is a force of preservation that prevails, the truth inclines to preserve itself. 

Sustainability is another word for Goodness, and such is the meaning of Loveliness

So that would make the description of God in the bible makes more sense. The Spirit of Truth wants to throw away be done away with parts of the truth that's not sustainable and create the Truth that's good, Lovely. 

The whole truth at this point in time, is it actually not "The Spirit of Truth"?


Edit: Sorry for the mistake

My objection against selling it cheap v.03

Ephesians 6:1, Luke 6:25 In these verses it seems like the right attitude for christians in the workplace is to sell it cheap, to work as ha...