Sunday, July 3, 2011

Organizational entropy v.02

In my opinion, the reason why organism, and organizations got old... is because they make more and more elements in their system... but experienced scarcity of solutions in terms of defining them as unities with each other.

To rejuvinate an organization... there are three principals that I could define so far...

Imagine individual letters a division or department within an organization, the principals are:
1. Separation, illustration: before, "goteambeproductive" after, "go team be productive"
2. Addition of administration, illustration: before: "wttb poucte" .... after "I want to be productive"
3. Reduction of administration, illustration: before: "adfadfIadf'm proadsfdadfaucaadfdftfdsaive" after " I'm productive"

Ofcourse the administrations need to support love, the tendency to keep on experiencing interactions after interactions forever.

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