Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Interaction List v.03

Clashes in societies are all about which problem should be prioritized... which solutions must be kept, which should be changed, and which are going to be eliminated.
My say on this is to prioritize love, that's the tendency to keep on experiencing interactions forever.

In order to achieve this, ideally, people should be able to list, interactions that they are the elements:
-Everybody could rule, intuitively, being able to rule gives you access to rule out dangers or potentials to non lovely interactions.
-Everybody could have intercourse, intuitively, being able to have sex gives you access to sensations that makes you want to keep on experiencing interactions forever.
-Everybody could kill, intuitively, being able to kill gives you access to avoid interactions that are not lovely, when it suddenly appeared before your eyes (self defense).
-Everybody could think,
-Everybody could balance on ropes
-Everybody could shake hands

Ofcourse there's a lot branches of other purposes or uses of each interactions.

Now, if you could list all of the interactions that people want to perform, you could prioritize, which interactions are relevant at the time compared against their alternatives. Some people like to destroy stuff, me too, video games can be lovely.

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