Friday, September 13, 2024

Have some taste v.02

There are 2 types of status in regards to the rewarding system in this world, candidates and achievers. Please guys, don't mix these up don't try to compete as an achiever when you felt like you're aiming to be a candidate ok, waste of empathy waste of energy. 

Jobs are for those who are competent and rewards are for those who have solved. Maybe those who are experienced would be considered as competent, of course, but definitely those who have achieved are entitled to the rewards of their achievements.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Quantum super position of people's historical attitude v.02 (correction)

Remember the Illustration Jesus gave about the vine that didn't bear fruit? At first God told to prune them first and then after they still didn't bear fruit they were tossed away to perish. Remember the parable about the son of the land owner who came to collect his due? He got killed by the workers. 

So when God created the world (this is my proposition) He meant to enjoy the world as a human being, were it through Adam and Even or through Jesus anyway, I don't know, but my conclusion is the world was meant for God's being as a human being / human beings. God as humans. 

So when Jesus came into the world he supposed to be the ONE who were meant to be, the reason for the world's existence, and everybody if they were in the right mind should logically made sense of his to and fro and acted logically of what is reasonable at the given moment, which means goodness and justice, which in turn is going to be pleasing to HIM. I'm talking about making him King, or if He wished for it, making him a happy beggar, or whatever else that He wanted. Given the way of what's good, and what's just, given the way the world was made, it should've been the way it was intended and it should've been pleasing to HIM. Unfortunately Jesus was rejected, humiliated, and crucified. 

So didn't God knew that people would be like this? If He knew that people would do this horrible things to Him shouldn't he came not? Wouldn't it be facilitating tragedy?

Was the answer John 3:16? Definitely and for sure that's what is said in the bible and I'm not trying to add to it (to add my thoughts as scripture). But based on my faith based on the scripture and the Word of God that I've learned, not only John 3:16 applied to the outcome of the crucifixion, but it must had been that it was still possible, that there were still some possibilities... that the world would hand itself in a silver platter to Jesus. I'm talking about back in the day, cause if now we thought "Impossible" that's just how human beings are... I'd say that's because the outcome had been solidified, they did that therefore we were (get it?). But if we were to live back then, the quantum position was different, it was still possible.

Edit: So this post may had some truth to it to a degree but a lot of it was wrong now I think. So some of the vine bear fruit, that's why He came. For the rest of the world He knew that He would chuck them away.

So... I'm sorry the data or the bases of this entire thing is wrong. But I beg to have some reserves over the idea though. I'm sorry

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Banana farm v.02

So I was watching Ahok's interview with Professor Dwi about iro iro of stuffs about Indonesian farmers, somehow I get to the thinking of the nature of Jesus' salvation and the creation of the world. 

So here's an Illustration: 

A farm owner wants to make a Banana plantation, plan A was to made it to be a commercial banana farm while B was to make it pig food. His worker said that he'll aim to make plan A a realization, he answered, yes I support. 

So one thing leads to another it seems like Plan A is not going to work. The owner said that he thought that they should still go for A because there's still procedures that hasn't been done yet, its just a responsible thing to do. Unless there wasn't any good viable potential anymore we should still proceed on plan A, he said and the worker said yes. 

More things leads to another, the options had been exhausted and they continued on to run it as a pig food farm. 

So what I think Christianity says is that God initially plan to have Himself rule the world as a human being, that's the plan. How it would came about would be plan A and plan B, however in order to be responsible He got to exhaust the potential of plan A. Jesus was to be King, and the world should've exalted Him, instead He was hung on the cross and killed. It is finished. 

Plan B would be to have some of the world perish and to take the gold that emerged out of it. That is the Church. But if you didn't had a preconception how evil chaos had always been lurking around the Truth you'd think that God planned for evil. No, he planned for the day of judgement in case of evil.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Is sosialism objective? v.04

We Christians knew the parables of the virgins and the talents and the land owners who gave the same rewards... our background is realization of the merit of capital, that's where we came from. The tricky thing is when I wanted to say, labor is capital too, then the argument would be: Communism is the end way, because people would cross each other's merit out therefore money should be distributed equally. 

So we should acknowledge that there are people who were trying to be just and people who are trying to be not just, in this we already could see that there are significant difference. You might say the evil had been preventing the good from performing, this is also true but we also know that people's heart is not ours to judge and that the Christian's legacy is about judging by results (by the fruit ye shall judge). This entails humbleness, if evil were that simple to address how come our thousands of years of civilization is still haven't done with it? So be disciplined, by the fruit we judge and from there the spirit of sabotage would only go so far (the spirit of evil do evil it couldn't bear good fruit, it needs good fruit to maintain its facade). So again, stay disciplined and judge within our means. 

So at the end of the day its a matter of our articulation of merit within ourselves, and to say socialism would prevail in the end is like saying there wouldn't be people who performed more and there wouldn't be people who performed less. 

This is my thought and I'm not to ignore the scripture, James already talked about taking care of widows and orphans as Just and it is something that we should adhere to (if we could tell apart which widows and orphans are which that would be better, but always be prudent).


So hope readers understand what I'm saying here, if the society is not meritocratic (communistic, socialistic) it would make it easier for evil to manifest, but if otherwise, if people were meritocratic, evil would have to maintain good to maintain its human influence. 

Monday, March 4, 2024

My objection against selling it cheap v.03

Ephesians 6:1, Luke 6:25

In these verses it seems like the right attitude for christians in the workplace is to sell it cheap, to work as hard as possible even when its not fair because God would compensate for it. This is an ommition of the message of the Gospel. To do our work as if we do it for God means we should do it as if we were not doing it for men but for God, and God is good. 

Is it good to sell things below cost? Is it good to mutilate your competition from the economy in hostility while making the market or the costumers accustomed to the wrong prices? Is it good to indirectly accumulate the potential for turmoil for other businesses because one day there should be a significant price corrections in the future?

So pay attention to the contracts that you're making. Yes sometimes it is required for us to sell it cheap, like in the times of war, or in the times of crisis, but it should be temporary in nature. I believe it is Christian-like to obey your contracts, if you've been snared with the words of your mouth be humble and stay obedient, say for example you've made a fair agreement in the beginning but little that you know your employer knew that a quantitative easing was coming, making your remunerations below par in the face of inflation. In this situation it is virtuous and Christian-like to honor our contracts, but it would be good or better to set ourselves free even though through humbleness and mourning. 

Furthermore since Jesus received a feast held by Zacheus the tax collector did it mean that Jesus would not be rewarded for his time with Zacheus anymore in heaven? Would Jesus not be rewarded anymore for the portion of His deeds that had been reciprocated by the people in the mount of olives? Wouldn't the disciples be rewarded no more for they had eaten and drunk? (when they were scrutinized in comparison to the disciples of John).

In here we know that the meaning of "The greatest in the Kingdom of God are those that are like children" means not merely/only "Those that had not received their rewards in this world", but those that are willing to go the length of working on eternal assets, assets that lasts forever (they are actually the "children"). Yes injustice that had been inflicted on people is a type of asset, because it would be compensated by God, that is our faith, but greater than that is the eternal goodness we managed to put in history despite whether or not we had been "compensated" for them or had not (by the standard of the world).  Our going concern is forever and the way the world to account for profit based on a limited time frame of revenue - costs is too narrow, if we had made eternal assets, it is always going to be injustice for us in this world, for as long as the world is too scarce to be able to address it, they would always do us as the afflicted ones. 

So in here I say working on eternal assets, such as promoting the Spirit of Truth as God (Jordan Peterson), making the public smarter of the Truthful wisdom of physics (Walter Lewin), may not appear to be of those equal to the glory of facebook or google or microsoft, those that had been greatly rewarded, but such things are not to be underestimated especially for you Christians. 

At the end of the day Whatsapp being gratis might had hindered similar applications from being popular, it may not be the complete carbon copy of what should be in the Kingdom of God's economy, but as long as we keep on improving, the benefits are going to outweigh the problems. Just, as Christians, have the understanding and the concern of what is meritable, virtuous, right, sustainable vs what is dangerous and should be solved before we got into some work agreements.

Thursday, February 15, 2024

My Yoke is easy

Matthew 11: 28 - 30

Proverbs 4:26

If you walk the straight path its not going to be too complicated for you to see what's straight, but its not easy and its not safe. 

If you strayed from the straight path, things will become chaotic, would it be easy would it be as complicated as it gets? would it be as hard as it gets? The reason why the question of morality and Justice could be so complex, so dense, and so dangerous is that it wanted to pull people (or yourself) away from chaos. The Truth is a fortress made despite of chaos, and the Truth is existence, its the universe. So how hard your life would have to be would be like asking how far do you want to violate the Truth?

Embrace the Truth especially for you who already knew, now, embrace the Spirit of Truth!

Sunday, January 21, 2024

A summary of Christianity, 22 Jan 2024 v.03d

God is alive, if you believe that then you'd believe in meritocracy. The meritocracy of existence where God a living being take into account the virtues of things.

Is there virtue in the world of physics? If you consider energy as a currency then a battery or a capacitor would had virtues and viles. To ensure that a battery would always have energy, it should always maintain charge, to set apart the positives from the negatives and maintain it. 

Let's move away from things that are beyond my understanding and zoom in on the bible, before I took everybody into wickedness (-_-):

The story of the Garden of Eden explains the beginning of sin for humanity, God as a living being is capable of being meritocratic, the garden, is a place where God's meritocracy manifests, and that God would reward all the virtues accordingly and evil is away from us (evil is the potential for misallocation of resources). However evil entered into the system when impatience bred disruption to God's economy, making God's meritocracy disrupted therefore subject to evil (liable to evil).

Eve was not supposed to take the fruit of good and evil, maybe the tree was something else too, but it was named the tree of knowledge of good and evil because when you took its fruit you'd certainly had committed evil against the command of God. Maybe the whole thing is a poetry of something else, sex? gossip? regardless we could understand the Garden as a working economy and evil being offenses against the rewarding system. (Not saying that it couldn't be an actual garden with actual trees of miraculous effects).

You could see the pattern also in the story of the tower of Babel, when human beings managed to build for themselves a "wonder" but later destroyed because of tribalism, you'd expect some people within Babel were disorganized and possibly were suspicious of each other, accusing evil of one another, and to distribute rewards not out of the meritocratic discipline but out of tribalism. So became the destruction of the whole idea. 

Such is the world of human beings, we have ways to distribute potentials in the economy, we reward achievements and solutions, and we stay away from reckless distribution of resources (out of respect to scarcity). If God exists, and alive, shouldn't He be rewarding those that are good, and prevented evil against them?

The life of Jesus Christ as God in flesh shows us the economy of God. The reason why good wasn't rewarded is not that God is not good, or God doesn't exist, but because of evil. For those who believe that God is real, he / she should separate the meritocracy of God and the meritocracy of the world that's ruined. For those who believe in Jesus he / she should do some accounting, in accordance to his / her faith of what rewards were Godly, and what rewards were worldly and then discipline the self patiently in accordance to the faith. 

Jesus, God himself, weren't being rewarded 100% of the time in this world, even though He is always good. Ever since the time of Eden, God had predicted that one day good and evil would be confusing, so in order to save humanity, an assurance must be given, and so the salvation of Jesus Christ is (also) in the assurance and the way His life was rewarded in this world at that time. Again, meritocracy speaks human, speaks God, speaks what we call "intelligent beings".   

When the world was heavy upon you, remember that it had been ruined and that it had failed in working, even for Jesus Christ God himself. But also remember that God is alive and He is Just, Lovely, and fair, He is not planning on abandoning us but to take us into His Kingdom in the end. Be patient, believe, the rewards that are from God is eternal and His economy is Heavenly. Endure the ruined world, be obedient until the end (like Jesus), because the economy of the world is not accurate, and mistakes are painful and are bad, but in Christ such inaccuracies will be redeemed.

Hope is not useless, Hope that everything would be adjusted, Hope that the Spirit of Truth will continue on, the past will be traced and exposed, and our contributions of sins will be done over with, our contributions of virtues will keep on bearing fruit.

Now back to the capacitor, if you're a christian capacitor, you'd know that you'd maintain separate what is positive and what is negative in order to be able to contain energy. But even when you couldn't help but to lose energy, keep on the positivity (through faith and deeds) and the distinction of negativity (wisdom, discipline), cause you're a part of the circuit of God.

Have some taste v.02

There are 2 types of status in regards to the rewarding system in this world, candidates and achievers. Please guys, don't mix these up ...