Thursday, July 4, 2024

Quantum super position of people's historical attitude v.02 (correction)

Remember the Illustration Jesus gave about the vine that didn't bear fruit? At first God told to prune them first and then after they still didn't bear fruit they were tossed away to perish. Remember the parable about the son of the land owner who came to collect his due? He got killed by the workers. 

So when God created the world (this is my proposition) He meant to enjoy the world as a human being, were it through Adam and Even or through Jesus anyway, I don't know, but my conclusion is the world was meant for God's being as a human being / human beings. God as humans. 

So when Jesus came into the world he supposed to be the ONE who were meant to be, the reason for the world's existence, and everybody if they were in the right mind should logically made sense of his to and fro and acted logically of what is reasonable at the given moment, which means goodness and justice, which in turn is going to be pleasing to HIM. I'm talking about making him King, or if He wished for it, making him a happy beggar, or whatever else that He wanted. Given the way of what's good, and what's just, given the way the world was made, it should've been the way it was intended and it should've been pleasing to HIM. Unfortunately Jesus was rejected, humiliated, and crucified. 

So didn't God knew that people would be like this? If He knew that people would do this horrible things to Him shouldn't he came not? Wouldn't it be facilitating tragedy?

Was the answer John 3:16? Definitely and for sure that's what is said in the bible and I'm not trying to add to it (to add my thoughts as scripture). But based on my faith based on the scripture and the Word of God that I've learned, not only John 3:16 applied to the outcome of the crucifixion, but it must had been that it was still possible, that there were still some possibilities... that the world would hand itself in a silver platter to Jesus. I'm talking about back in the day, cause if now we thought "Impossible" that's just how human beings are... I'd say that's because the outcome had been solidified, they did that therefore we were (get it?). But if we were to live back then, the quantum position was different, it was still possible.

Edit: So this post may had some truth to it to a degree but a lot of it was wrong now I think. So some of the vine bear fruit, that's why He came. For the rest of the world He knew that He would chuck them away.

So... I'm sorry the data or the bases of this entire thing is wrong. But I beg to have some reserves over the idea though. I'm sorry

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Have some taste v.02

There are 2 types of status in regards to the rewarding system in this world, candidates and achievers. Please guys, don't mix these up ...