Saturday, May 18, 2024

Is sosialism objective? v.04

We Christians knew the parables of the virgins and the talents and the land owners who gave the same rewards... our background is realization of the merit of capital, that's where we came from. The tricky thing is when I wanted to say, labor is capital too, then the argument would be: Communism is the end way, because people would cross each other's merit out therefore money should be distributed equally. 

So we should acknowledge that there are people who were trying to be just and people who are trying to be not just, in this we already could see that there are significant difference. You might say the evil had been preventing the good from performing, this is also true but we also know that people's heart is not ours to judge and that the Christian's legacy is about judging by results (by the fruit ye shall judge). This entails humbleness, if evil were that simple to address how come our thousands of years of civilization is still haven't done with it? So be disciplined, by the fruit we judge and from there the spirit of sabotage would only go so far (the spirit of evil do evil it couldn't bear good fruit, it needs good fruit to maintain its facade). So again, stay disciplined and judge within our means. 

So at the end of the day its a matter of our articulation of merit within ourselves, and to say socialism would prevail in the end is like saying there wouldn't be people who performed more and there wouldn't be people who performed less. 

This is my thought and I'm not to ignore the scripture, James already talked about taking care of widows and orphans as Just and it is something that we should adhere to (if we could tell apart which widows and orphans are which that would be better, but always be prudent).


So hope readers understand what I'm saying here, if the society is not meritocratic (communistic, socialistic) it would make it easier for evil to manifest, but if otherwise, if people were meritocratic, evil would have to maintain good to maintain its human influence. 

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Have some taste v.02

There are 2 types of status in regards to the rewarding system in this world, candidates and achievers. Please guys, don't mix these up ...