Sunday, January 21, 2024

A summary of Christianity, 22 Jan 2024 v.03d

God is alive, if you believe that then you'd believe in meritocracy. The meritocracy of existence where God a living being take into account the virtues of things.

Is there virtue in the world of physics? If you consider energy as a currency then a battery or a capacitor would had virtues and viles. To ensure that a battery would always have energy, it should always maintain charge, to set apart the positives from the negatives and maintain it. 

Let's move away from things that are beyond my understanding and zoom in on the bible, before I took everybody into wickedness (-_-):

The story of the Garden of Eden explains the beginning of sin for humanity, God as a living being is capable of being meritocratic, the garden, is a place where God's meritocracy manifests, and that God would reward all the virtues accordingly and evil is away from us (evil is the potential for misallocation of resources). However evil entered into the system when impatience bred disruption to God's economy, making God's meritocracy disrupted therefore subject to evil (liable to evil).

Eve was not supposed to take the fruit of good and evil, maybe the tree was something else too, but it was named the tree of knowledge of good and evil because when you took its fruit you'd certainly had committed evil against the command of God. Maybe the whole thing is a poetry of something else, sex? gossip? regardless we could understand the Garden as a working economy and evil being offenses against the rewarding system. (Not saying that it couldn't be an actual garden with actual trees of miraculous effects).

You could see the pattern also in the story of the tower of Babel, when human beings managed to build for themselves a "wonder" but later destroyed because of tribalism, you'd expect some people within Babel were disorganized and possibly were suspicious of each other, accusing evil of one another, and to distribute rewards not out of the meritocratic discipline but out of tribalism. So became the destruction of the whole idea. 

Such is the world of human beings, we have ways to distribute potentials in the economy, we reward achievements and solutions, and we stay away from reckless distribution of resources (out of respect to scarcity). If God exists, and alive, shouldn't He be rewarding those that are good, and prevented evil against them?

The life of Jesus Christ as God in flesh shows us the economy of God. The reason why good wasn't rewarded is not that God is not good, or God doesn't exist, but because of evil. For those who believe that God is real, he / she should separate the meritocracy of God and the meritocracy of the world that's ruined. For those who believe in Jesus he / she should do some accounting, in accordance to his / her faith of what rewards were Godly, and what rewards were worldly and then discipline the self patiently in accordance to the faith. 

Jesus, God himself, weren't being rewarded 100% of the time in this world, even though He is always good. Ever since the time of Eden, God had predicted that one day good and evil would be confusing, so in order to save humanity, an assurance must be given, and so the salvation of Jesus Christ is (also) in the assurance and the way His life was rewarded in this world at that time. Again, meritocracy speaks human, speaks God, speaks what we call "intelligent beings".   

When the world was heavy upon you, remember that it had been ruined and that it had failed in working, even for Jesus Christ God himself. But also remember that God is alive and He is Just, Lovely, and fair, He is not planning on abandoning us but to take us into His Kingdom in the end. Be patient, believe, the rewards that are from God is eternal and His economy is Heavenly. Endure the ruined world, be obedient until the end (like Jesus), because the economy of the world is not accurate, and mistakes are painful and are bad, but in Christ such inaccuracies will be redeemed.

Hope is not useless, Hope that everything would be adjusted, Hope that the Spirit of Truth will continue on, the past will be traced and exposed, and our contributions of sins will be done over with, our contributions of virtues will keep on bearing fruit.

Now back to the capacitor, if you're a christian capacitor, you'd know that you'd maintain separate what is positive and what is negative in order to be able to contain energy. But even when you couldn't help but to lose energy, keep on the positivity (through faith and deeds) and the distinction of negativity (wisdom, discipline), cause you're a part of the circuit of God.

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