Sunday, December 9, 2012

Head Coverings in Christian culture

In Christianity, head coverings for women has been prescripted by Paul, and traditions of the apostles are to be kept in Churches.
The reason being, humans have sinned but Jesus who's not worthy of the punishment of sin has been killed and cursed by the world. This injustice of the 6 days world has made God left the 6 days world and now has created a new world that's the body of Christ.
In a sense we as Christians realize this that we are nothing without connection to Christ in terms of eternity. So to admit God as our head, we all would love to express to God that we are His wife.

Because our leadership lead to doom but Jesus' leadership leads to life. We would love to have rituals or traditions to honor Him, baptism, the last supper, having a short hair (for male) and long hair + wearing head coverings (for females) (in churches during ceremonies with Jesus) being some of the rituals.

Why the short and long hair?
It's said that during the time on earth, males are to represent Jesus as the leader, and women are to represent humans as the branches of Jesus.
Humans are to believe in the leadership of Jesus and to make Him their "head".
So when males didn't represent Jesus, abusing their children, encourage self poisoning, lied to and fool their children... then He's not being Jesus-like and even when he has short hair, the short hair is pointless.
The same with women, when the male has made a decision, lets say, to help the poor at churches instead of buying her a new pair of shoes, the woman shall submit. Otherwise her long hair would be pointless might as well cut them all off.

In church women cover their head in order to represent everybody else (including we the males) as Jesus' bride during the ceremony.

I think the difference between Christian's veil and Muslim women's veil is in the purpose of wearing it, we don't wear it to cover our shame. We wear it as a status of love, that I'm not myself without You Jesus my "head".

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Baik bertambah baik dan jahat bertambah jahat

Penutup kitab Wahyu, kalau Tuhan penuh cinta, mengapa membiarkan yang jahat bertambah jahat?

Tapi saya teringat akan situasi-situasi dimana ambigu yang luar biasa harus terjadi. Keadaan dimana orang suka berbicara tidak resmi sehingga menimbulkan suatu suasana (yang tidak perlu) dimana ambigu yang besar terjadi, sekelompok orang berbicara tidak resmi tentang satu hal, sekelompok orang lain berbicara tidak resmi tentang hal lain.
Pada suasana seperti itu, orang berbicara apapun dapat diartikan macam-macam bahkan sesuatu seperti "Semangkanya enak".
Pada suasana seperti ini bagaimana mengklarifikasikan maksud anda? Sudah bingung sekali dan bertambah bingung. Makanya kebohongan akan membawa kita jatuh, karena pegangan akan kenyataan kita semakin goyah.
Pada keadaan seperti ini yang berpegang pada kenyataan akan menjalani hidup, dan yang berpegang pada kebohongan akan memikirkan hal-hal yang jahat.

Ayolah kita berhenti mengagung-agungkan hak kita untuk salah mengerti dan jadi orang yang terus mau belajar.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Tuhan Yesus!

Tuhan Yesus adalah penyelematku
Tuhan Yesus adalah anak Bapa yang penuh cinta
Biarlah dia jadi sumber segala-galanya buat saya selama-lamanya
Tuhan saya mau Kau jadikan berguna, jadilah kehendak-Mu Tuhan Yesus.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Kontradiksi perjalanan ke Damaskus,

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Darah Yesus membebaskan

Hukum apakah yang dibawa oleh Yesus?
Menurut saya hukum taurat adalah hukum yang berlaku di dunia yang diciptakan oleh Tuhan dalam 6 hari.
Begitu orang berdosa, hukum itu semakin dan semakin nyata karena konsekuensi dari dosa itu juga semakin nyata. Pembunuhan menyebabkan pembalasan dendam, bersaksi dusta menyebabkan perselisihan di dalam komunitas dan sebagainya.
Ini adalah kenyataan. Secara pribadi saya mengkategorisasikan ini sebagai hukum taurat natural, atau hukum-hukum yang berlaku secara alami, termasuk tingkat kualitas nasehat-nasehat di dalam amsal.

Perintah-perintah Tuhan dalam 613 hukum Taurat, mungkin adalah petunjuk dari Tuhan menghadapi kenyataan ini. Dan bukan itu saja, hukum seperti mengorbankan merpati setelah tahir dari kusta, jangan makan babi atau kerang, adalah hukum-hukum yang berusaha menjauhi maut, kekotoran, penyakit, dan masalah-masalah alami lainnya, hukum-hukum ini juga berlaku dalam hidup Yesus, dimana Dia menjauhi dosa dan berhasil untuk hidup selama-lamanya.

Perintah-perintah dalam 613 hukum tersebut seperti pola yang diaktifkan di dunia ini, dan kita tahu bahwa dunia ini fractal, yaitu pola yang ada sering punya ekuivalen dan akan menimbulkan pola yang sama di dimensi yang berbeda. Contoh, DNA programming ---> berulang menjadi computer programming. Flight simulation----> berulang menjadi kendali jarak jauh pesawat-pesawat yang nyata. Perang----> berulang menjadi video game. 613 hukum taurat -----> Yesus.

Berdasarkan hukum Taurat, kita ini pantas mati, mati dalam arti uselessness atau jadi makhluk tidak berguna. Tapi ketika dunia membuat Yesus seorang manusia menjadi tidak berguna, Tuhan menekan tombol self destruct untuk dunia ini dan membuat dunia yang diciptakan dalam 6 hari itu menjadi tidak sempurna. Karena Yesus tidak sepantasnya menjadi tidak berguna.

Oleh karena itu hukum Taurat akan berlalu dan karena Yesus, hukum taurat akan digantikan oleh hukum-hukum baru, karena kini Tuhan telah menciptakan dunia yang sempurna yang lain, yaitu tubuh Yesus.

Tapi selama dunia atau administrasi-administrasi yang telah Tuhan ciptakan dalam 6 hari itu masih ada, hukum taurat tetap berlaku. Itulah sebabnya orang-orang yang pintar hukum Taurat juga akan pintar akan seluk-beluk dunia, dan tidak sedikit yang memutuskan untuk memanfaatkannya dalam dunia bisnis dan/atau dunia ilmu pengetahuan praktis.

Ketika Saulus dalam perjalanan ke damaskus, dia bersama teman-temannya terjatuh oleh cahaya dan suara Tuhan, dia dapat mendengar apa yang Tuhan katakan namun teman-temannya tidak dapat mendengarnya, mereka hanya mendengar suara-suara tapi tidak ada orang di sana.

Paulus yang taat hukum itu melihat cahaya Tuhan, dan dicerahkan pikirannya. Dia menyadari bahwa orang yang mencintai Roh Kudus, mencintai Kebenaran dan akan menghormati hukum Taurat, tetapi hukum itu tidak akan berteman dengan manusia, jadi selama ini dia telah mengabdikan hidupnya kepada musuh kemanusiaan, kemanusiaan yang berdosa, yaitu dia dan semua orang lain kecuali Tuhan Yesus.

Paulus menulis dalam surat suratnya sebagai orang yang dilepaskan dari hukum Taurat, namun menurut saya tidak semua orang memiliki sudut pandang ini. Seandainya anda adalah orang yang suka balap mobil, anda akan dinasihati oleh seorang bekas pembalap untuk jalan lebih pelan. Tapi kalau anda adalah orang yang suka menutupi jalan orang lain, sepertinya anda jangan menganggap nasihat yang diberikan dari bekas pembalap itu dikhususkan buat anda.

Kini karena Tuhan Yesus, ada tempat baru buat orang percaya di dalam kekekalan yang hidup dan penuh cinta, sudah sepantasnya kita memikirkan dan mengikuti teladan Tuhan Yesus agar Tuhan Yesus menganggap kita keluarga-Nya dan kemudian kita tidak perlu diadili lagi berdasarkan hukum Taurat, karena sebagai Yesus, kita sudah dizalimi oleh hukum Taurat, jadi Tuhan menganggap tidak ada seekor makhluk pun (setan) yang bisa menuntut kita lagi atas pelanggaran kita melawan hukum Taurat.

Sebaliknya kini kita bisa dengan bebas mencintai Tuhan Yesus, mencintai kebaikan, tanpa harus berhutang kepada setan yang jasa-jasanya telah dimanfaatkan oleh manusia. Karena sekali lagi, setan adalah si perusak, dan dunia yang seharusnya kekal ini, karena Tuhan Yesus, sudah bisa rusak.
Jadi kalau kita keluarganya Tuhan Yesus, utang-utang kita tidak perlu dibayar lagi.

Kedua alasan ini tidaklah mutually exclusive.

Dan sebagai orang-orang yang telah diselamatkan, dalam cinta kita kepada Tuhan Yesus, tentulah pengikut-pengikut Yeshua ingin melakukan apa yang diinginkan oleh Tuhan.
Dan inilah hukum-hukum yang akan diikuti oleh pengikut-pengikut Yesus, yaitu hukum Taurat pada kesempatan dimana hukum-hukum itu bermanfaat untuk keselamatan dan cinta kepada Tuhan dan sesama. Tapi dimana hukum-hukum tersebut menjadi tidak mendukung keselamatan dan cinta kepada Tuhan dan sesama, pengikut Tuhan Yesus akan bertindak sepantasnya.

Dengan demikian inilah kebebasan itu: Dapat melakukan segala yang diinginkannya selamanya.
Ketika kita menjadi pengikut Yesus, keinginan kita adalah melakukan Tuhan Yesus.
Karena Tuhan Yesus adalah Firman Tuhan yang hidup, hukum Tuhan yang hidup, maka hukum-hukum itu akan berlaku di kenyataan sampai selama-lamanya. Dan dengan demikian kita bebas.

Ada hukum-hukum yang menyenangkan tapi tidak berlaku untuk selama-lamanya, hukum-hukum yang tidak berasal dari Roh Kudus atau roh kebenaran. Rasanya mengikuti hukum-hukum ini mungkin bisa bebas, karena hukum-hukum ini menyenangkan... tapi sayang, hukum-hukum ini sebenarnya tidak berlaku selama-lamanya.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Real or Not Real

See my previous post and the previous one before it.

So if the inclination got prioritized only in our mind, would it still become stronger?
Yes I think so, because when you ended up making mistakes what would happen? Your mind wants to do what it thought before even more.
So yes, if you have good intentions keep on thinking about it. But also keep on wanting the truth for you. Because when you believe something, you release control over yourself. If you believe in the truth you'll release control to God. That's why in the bible it says faith without acts is dead.
Believing in the Holy Spirit will lead to good acts, and unprioritization of bad inclinations.
Believing without acting to prioritize God in your life is the same as not believing.

Evil spirits when they believe in God, they surpress themselves. Only when they tie to the inclination of not believing in God will they be able to act. They must consider everything real is just an illusion for them to be able to act. That's my opinion. Satan won't admit Jesus is the lamb of God who died to redeem us. Satan is living in its own imagination, the only reason why it has influence in the reality is because either Lucifer / Humans practiced him in their mind first.

But Lucifer will be no more, Satan's body will be the beast, but this too will be banished.
Praise the Lord Jesus Christ.

Why can't Lucifer be an angel who sinned but not Satan?

Contradictory Inclinations

See my previous post,
Another argument to point out my mistake would be, how come by not doing anything, you'd risk the life of him less than acting upon the inclination to help him?

Inclinations exist not only in your mind but also outside your consciousness. Therefore when you acted upon your feelings / thinking, while having the wrong view about the universe... the inclination would be prioritized only in the wrong universe of your mind, but not in the truthful universe where the Holy Spirit is.

Holy is differenciating between Satan and God. Filter, differenciation, I'm me therefore I'm not you, I'm me because I'm not you, this important element makes up the truth and relevance.
If you don't have the Holy, then your world is wrong, you live in a universe of lies while still having a body that's existing in the truthful universe.
However the body and the actions are based not on what you think they are based upon, but they reacts and acts controlled by forces not upon your interests.
The only way to realize the truth is by having the Holy Spirit. Please always prioritize on knowing and serving the truth.

In case of the example in the previous post,
In your mind you inclined to help him, so you lift the piece that's not dangerous in your mind. And yes the inclination to help him will be prioritized in an instant, in your mind. But as soon as you realize the truth, that the piece was actually dangerous that it wasn't the piece of rubble that's in your mind... your body has moved by itself. (under the influence of the inclination to hurt him).
I hope I could explain this better.

Explanation for some contradictory inclinations

I think spirits are inclinations, if I'm wrong please point out my mistakes.
But how come there's such thing as mistakes?
When you tried to help people, you support the inclination to help people right? But how come some when they tried to help people they ended up making things worse? Significantly?

Example: There's an earthquacke, a man trapped inside rubbles of heavy concretes. You have the inclination to save him, but the inclination to hurt him has got its administrations in positions already.
If in attempt to save him you lifted up the wrong piece, he'll die.
The act of lifting up the rubble should've done in support for the inclination to save him, but how come it would be in support of the inclination to hurt him? Surely the inclinations are not fake.
If the guy got killed by your actions, the inclination to help him would not be prioritized even in the future. So how come Melki's theory that the world are products of inclinations supports the idea that everytime you acted upon an inclination you'd make it stronger?

My current reasoning:
The situation already support the opposite inclination more. So took much more administrations or supports from other inclinations to get the inclination to help the person became prioritized.

I know it might not be able to deal with all of the issues risen by the theory but I hope I'll figure this out in the future.

Monday, October 15, 2012

My attempt to describe Christianity part 2 v.02

This is part 1

I just want to correct, the problem and solutions idea was over generalizing. The correct way of saying it is, humans were not aware of the existence of "deadly" problems and solutions. Not just problems and solutions. So God let humans oblivious to the problem of evil.
Because now I think that in order to be able to enjoy something, you have to be able to understand problems and solutions. But not necessarily the problem of Evil.

My previous pastor has been correct all along, in my opinon, that maybe God will let humans eat the fruit someday in the future. Maybe yes, maybe not, how could I know. But sin is the violation to God's law.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Christians work to change the world! v.02

Before, Adam's sinful works are futile.
After Jesus, the world left alone are futile, but the work of the followers of Jesus will remain.
The kingdom of God.
We change the world entirely. So th
at everybody could have love, lovely life. God Bless us all.
Jesus is the King.

Ask this question, what's the design supposed to be? That wouldn't let an innocent person like Jesus punished and killed?

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Stephen Hawking's multiverse v.03

The argument used by Hawking in debunking the need for God is multiverse. That's that the universe works as multiverse, and the existence of life, matter, and laws, are due to existence of all possibilities therefore its not invoked by God.

Now I say, in dimensions where everything doesn't continue on, God is not there. But like in ours God is here, because it continues on.

Correction, because it continues on with the inclination to keep on experiencing interactions.

So why God matters? Because of the purpose of keeping on experiencing interactions forever.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Jesus Steals Donkey?

Well if you're familiar with attacks against Christianity, one of the very controversial issue is about Jesus "borrowing" the donkey without permission.
This culture is common in some parts of the world, but does it make it "Godly?"
Yes it is because in the world that's to come, Jesus will be the basis of existence, current form of matters will pass away, because they are not eternal.
In the world that's eternal, untouchable by the devil, interactions and meanings would be in terms of the word of God in the new form that's Jesus. I don't know for sure how this will work, but in relation to this argument, Jesus wanted to show us all, that in the kingdom of God He will always be prioritized and that it's always going to be orderly for Him to do whatever he pleases.

This Jesus totalitarianism is only appropriate because if you think about it this current world was already made out of the Word of God, the reason is because this world keeps on going on, therefore all laws and meanings must follow certain rule / order in discipline of keeping on interacting.

Now I believe that this principal, this inclination, has translated itself in a form of a human, that's Jesus. He did this to get in touch with humans, whom which will be the next basis of existence. Just as the order of light, gravity, etc are basis of existence now.

THerefore the kingdom of God will be all natural, just like gravity now is natural. In the kingdom of God Jesus will have the ultimate management authority, He's the inclination to obey the Father, and that inclination must be followed by all forms of matters first for them to be prioritized in the Kingdom of God. For them to keep on existing.

But why did Jesus violated the principal of "permission" from the owner?
If the norm of the past was to obey Hitler to kill the Jews, would you disobey them?
If the norm of the past was to forbid people from helping "slaves" from being "abused" by today's standard, would you do it anyway?
There are some norms that are just plain wrong, and there are some that's just supposed to be but not yet commonly valid.
Jesus was demonstrating that people must follow what's "supposed to be" even though it might not yet be commonly acknowledged.  

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Hell v.02

The inclination to be alive is a good inclination. Now if someone who doesn't admit Jesus fell from a high place, he/she struggled to safe himself, wouldn't he/she supposed to practice God? How come he/she was not saved?
Shouldn't he/she became synchronized with the inclination to keep on experiencing interactions forever, Love?

Jesus is the new creation, the old world or the old system will pass away. In the future, Jesus will be the light, not the light as we use now, as there would be anymore sun, and moon. In Jesus people would be alive in the new world.

We are the inclination to keep us inclining, we are our memory, the inclination to keep the memory grows.
Even though one inclines to keep on experiencing interactions forever, outside Jesus the one also would incline to not keep on experiencing interactions FOREVEr. Now this means the same person inclined to die.

When the person struggled to live, the inclination would be remembered by God and would be resurrected, therefore the person would be resurrected. But within his/her memory would there be found the inclination to die?
As he/she kept his/her memory going, this inclination to die that was inseparable to him, will put him/her in hell, as he/she will keep on living while ever routinely inclined to die.

The inclination to protect one's self would stay on forever,
The inclination to die will always fail. Only through Jesus the inclination to die can be truly purged.

Matt 27:46, Mark 15:34

Sunday, August 19, 2012


Things about God, Inclinations in relations to Spirits, I could figured them out because of Jesus, the Bible, Christianity.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

So then we are worthy due to our contributions?

We know that nowadays programs could do many things more effective and efficiently than humans. And as time goes on, and as people need more and more resources, we need the machines to do the best of works for us.
The concept of wages and money, made people think that they worth as much as their contribution to the society. Therefore, there's the inclination to compete with the machines. This is prove that the system of money is inhumane and wrong.
Then do humans supposed to be poor?
Do these puny bodies, with limited power and memory should not be cared for?

How do humans supposed to allocate the resources? Based on what?
Surely we must not based it on the politics of intimidation, not based on one's ability to kill, and harm others. (On the opposite I am aiming to make non mutuality not available as a form of solution in reality forever.)

Rome chapter 4:
and (source
James chapter 2:

So working really should be the basis of resource allocation, but its not based on working on the ability to intimidate, to kill, to rob, or to steal, etc, but based on the comittment not to rob, steal, kill, etc. As long as people don't live and/or supported the lifestyle of killing, adultery, robbing, stealing, etc. They deserve adequate properties for themselves for life.

These committers automatically contributed to peace and mutual solutions. I believe that if one really committed to Love, one would allocate their live for it. These people would not be lazy but keep on attempting to Love forever.

God needed us?

Christianity believes that we could contribute to God. Is there a thing that God need? Something we have that He doesn't?
Yes, we are ourselves. If we don't let God to become one with us, then God could not love our parents as our parent's child, God couldn't love our siblings as our siblings' sibling and God couldn't love our children as our children's parent.

God is Love, God is Almighty, why would He has limitations?
Because He made it so, its His design.

If you said I love my family but you lead them to death, would that be a true love?
But God wanted to love, He designed not to be alone but to love, he made it so He needed us, and when we accepted Him as part of us we would made Him happy... He God needed us. Because He is Love, He needed to Love.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Biar Bumi akan Berlalu

Biar bumi akan berlalu,
Biar bulan tak bercahaya lagi,
Biar langit akan bergoncang,
Matahari tak bersinar lagi.

Tetapi Tuhan Yesusku
Tak pernah ingkar janji
semua yang difirmankan-Nya
pasti akan digenapi

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Who am I? v.02

What is consciousness? Who are we?
Materials in our body keeps on changing, the substances or atoms in our cells today are those from foods we've eaten.
Therefore who are we maintaining? Who are we defending? Why do we want to survive? Why are we alive? Why we are we?

We are the inclination to keep us inclining forever.
We are our love. We are not just our body, our body are properties.
Properties are matters that prioritizes the owner all the time.
When our body stopped prioritizing us, we will die.

But then if the inclination were prioritized by other forms of matters,
Then the matters would become a property, and therefore the person would be alive.

Matters are set of laws,
We are set of laws... formation... memories.
We are love, laws, and properties. We are the inclination to maintain our memories.
Memories are formations formed from interactions.

Jesus will stay on forever, He is the inclination to keep His memory alive
when we remember Jesus, and re-do His teachings,
When we trusted Him and repeated his works, his memories.
We will become His body.

Jesus also the inclination to obey His Father.
And His disciples or the chosen ones are those who kept on inclining to maintain Jesus
His inclinations, His laws, His properties.
Let's practice Jesus.

His kingdom will come on earth as it is in Heaven
And His kingdom will stay on forever.
I'm not suggesting that Jesus actually wasn't risen from the dead
He was.
My purpose is to figure out how to become a part of His body.
To live forever in Love.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Not from this world

What did He mean by 'not from this world'?
The kingdom of God is what's to be worked, to be realized, to be maintained.
So there's another kingdom that's not the kingdom of God,
This world is the kingdom of the non God.

The kingdom of the non God is where/when God is not prioritized.
We can see that corruption, injustice, sufferings, greed, have influence in existence.
Therefore, working the kingdom of God, is not always wasteful seeming.
I thought that working the kingdom of God would mean always failing, always loose in this world.
But now I realize that that's not always the case.
Whenever love is prioritized, whenever people help people to love. There's success. Therefore, there are successes for disciples of Jesus in this world.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

AntiChrist v.04

Antichrist is a body that will be after the act of obeying obselete laws.

Laws exist for purposes and after purposes been served the law must be renewed or changed in accordance with the new reality. (Time exist due to irreversibility, our intuition of time is that total interactions are always happening, irreversible, and therefore always new).

As result of the practice of the Bible, the Son (Father is the inclination to incline, Son is the inclination to obey the Father or to conform with the Father, and Holy is whatever that's not the inclination to stop inclining-the inclination to reject the inclination to stop inclining), the Son would use the form of a human for His next interaction. This is thanks to the practice of the Bible.

When some laws were prioritized, the after effect would be the creation of administrations in order to keep the laws being prioritized.
The inclination to make people smart for example, when prioritized it gave rise to schools, the internet, research centers, scholarships, etc.
Now in order to support the bible the administration is the Messiah, the leader who will lead the chosen ones, the circumcised (absent of full satisfaction in order to complete a purpose, absent of distraction, the focused ones), to keep on practicing the bible.

Now 'supposedly' the form of a human would be the end of the road, at least that's what people thought before. But Jesus used the human form differently.
The Human form could prioritize the bible in this world and would wiped out all sinners (all other humans) including the chosen ones. But that's not the plan.
Jesus sacrificed the precious, eternally expensive human form, so that the payment could be made (all solutions have to be paid back including sinful solutions), His death, would glorify violence, murder, sin. His death obseleted one potential or one opportunity of the human being to wipe out evil forever from this world.

Now we know the plan but the law now the old law that's purpose has been served, is being practiced now. All laws when practiced will give rise to administrations in support of the law. Now the next administration in support of this blasphemy of Jesus is the antichrist. The rotter, the abomination.

The key of rotting is to keep on doing the same thing when its already irrelevant.

Now the task of wiping out evil lies in the hands of the believers, the believers will become one with Jesus Christ the Son of God, and will put away evil from existence forever.
His death doesn't mean that evil has won, its just a form of payment so that God the Father would accept humans that believed in Jesus because they've paid the necessary payment to the devil.
God the source of all good solutions will accept Him as His family and will wipe out evil from existence, its not like God is so weak he only relies on one opportunity. He could create whatever circumstances needed to wipe out evil.

Cara membuat hidup lebih baik lagi v.02

Berterimakasih kepada sumber solusi,
Kurangi gesekan pencarian dalam ekonomi,
Jangan korupsi, dll.

Maksud dari berterimakasih adalah, praktekkan lagi kecenderungan-kecenderungan yang mendukung kita. Contoh bikin orang terdidik, bikin orang nyaman, publikasikan hukum, perkenalkan cinta kepada orang, praktekkan cinta, dll.

Lebih praktisnya lagi, kalau kita mendapat keuntungan, bayar kembali kepada sumber solusi kita, seperti orang tua, guru, penolong-penolong yang telah berkontribusi kepada solusi-solusi yang kita gunakan.

Sekarang keadaannya, orang membayar mahal kepada produk-produk yang harus mereka dapatkan, semakin terdesak mereka semakin mahal rela membayar. Jadi logikanya kalau mau dibayar banyak, buatlah orang terdesak.
Ini logika yang mengerikan, tapi marilah kita membayar kepada sumber solusinya, kepada orang yang sudah memberikan dasar-dasar atau fundamentalnya. Jadi walaupun ada orang yang bisa menyediakan solusi yang hebat, tapi terlebih dulu bayar kepada pemerintah yang menyediakan keamanan dulu, lalu bayar kepada gurunya, bayar kepada ilmuan yang prinsipnya dia gunakan, baru terakhir bayar ke dia.
Kapan dia dapat uang? Nanti akan tiba waktunya dia akan jadi bagian dari fundamental itu sendiri di masa depan. Karena penemuan yang hebat bisa saja hanya sedikit kontribusi dari penemunya, kebanyakan berasal dari fundamental atau hasil kerja para pendahulunya.
Walaupun penyesuaian terakhir adalah penentuan apakah solusi itu bisa jadi atau tidak, bukan berarti hasil kerja para pendahulunya tidak pantas dibayar... pertanyaannya, siapa yang lebih pantas?

Waktu saya bilang bayar kepada pemerintah saya tidak bilang bayar kepada koruptor, tapi bayar secara resmi jasa-jasa administrasi yang menjaga sehingga mungkin segala kegiatan yang kita lakukan dan rakyat-rakyat yang lain lakukan, dagang, belajar, ekspor-impor, berorganisasi, dsb.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Hallelujah My Lord is bigger than the world

Hallelujah my Lord has won
He's bigger than all comprehensions except His
He's mighty His will will be done

My lord has won
My lord the unlimited
My lord is bigger than the world
He will be forever

Everything to His enemy is not equal to Him
Everything to His enemy is just not enough to contain Him
The God of all Jesus Christ my Lord, the God of the new world.
Jesus Christ is beyond Satan's comprehension.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Persatuan Gereja Gereja v.02

Dengan demikian, orang kristen bisa membuat satu gedung rumah Tuhan di satu kota. Bukan harus seperti ini, bisa saja rumah biasa atau loteng juga orang beribadah seperti di kisah para rasul. Tapi ini hanya ide saya saja.

Jadi orang-orang datang di pusat komunitas. Kemudian semuanya naik bus sama-sama ke rumah Tuhan, disana mereka menjalankan liturgi bersama-sama. Setelah selesai, mereka naik bus lagi kembali ke pusat komunitas, dan kemudian melaksanakan kegiatan bersama di sana.

Kenapa Gereja-Gereja bersatu? Karena kepribadian si pengkhotbah tidak ditunjukkan sama sekali, hanya Yesus saja yang memimpin ibadah saat liturgi, setelah itu pikiran masing2 kumpul sendiri2.

Liturgi Ibadah menurut saya

Menurut saya berdasarkan kitab perjanjian baru, wanita tidak boleh ngomong di gereja. Hal ini karena liturgi ibadah adalah suatu hubungan antara manusia dan Tuhan, dimana pria dan wanita sebagai manusia berhubungan dengan Tuhan Yesus yang sudah bangkit dari kematian.
Setelah Yesus menerima kita nanti, kita semua akan menjadi mempelai wanita. Tapi selama di dunia ini, kehadiran Yesus dilambangkan oleh seorang pria.
Ini adalah liturgis dan tidak melambangkan bahwa pria lebih baik dari wanita. Tapi seperti hukum taurat dan pengalaman orang Israel merupakan nubuatan kedatangan Tuhan, begitu juga liturgi ibadah adalah gambaran kesadaran kita akan keselamatan, bahwa dulu kita berdosa dan melalui Tuhan Yesus kita dapat memperoleh hidup.

Liturgi ibadah berlangsung serius dan teratur, dimana pengkotbah mewakili Tuhan Yesus berbicara dari Alkitab. Dia tidak boleh mewakili dirinya atau membawa egonya, perannya adalah sebagai Tuhan Yesus.
Ibadah selesai hanya dalam setengah jam sampai satu jam.

Setelah ibadah seluruh jemaat keluar dan pindah ke ruangan lain.
Di ruangan lain ini kemudian ada kegiatan komunitas, atau sharing, dimana orang membagi-bagikan lagu ciptaannya, puisi, kesaksian. Para ahli membagikan seminar, begitu juga para teolog atau ahli agama pria dan wanita mempresentasikan pandangan, pendapat, dan pengalamannya dalam menghadapi tantangan-tantangan ajaran Kristen.

Kemudian ada sesi Marketing dimana para usahawan secara bergiliran (tidak harus semua cukup 2 orang saja tapi minggu depan ganti lagi) mempresentasikan kegiatan usahanya, membawakan sampel produk, pokoknya saling membantu.

Di akhir sharing komunitas bisa makan bersama, membeli makanan dan sebagainya. Tapi seperti yang kita baca dalam injil, hal ini haruslah merupakan kegiatan yang terpisah dari rumah Tuhan.

Friday, June 8, 2012

The Focus

The Focus is not to reveal all truths, the focus is to expose all lies.

My Speculation about the future

In the future, people would be able to rise people from the dead. As we know in the Bible that Jesus is the firstborn from the dead. Though Elisha did rose the son of the shunammite woman before the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the 'firstborn' concept still holds. The resurrections by Jesus will be resurrections to the eternal life, in a new body, new earth, free from sin.Therefore I think that when people discovered how to raise people from the dead, they do not have to already believed in Jesus, they might die again.
What Christians must do is to keep on telling the good news, the gospel to the world.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Salary System, Guardians of Inclination v.08

People sometimes fight over shares of market. Doctors vs Doctors, Accountants vs Accountants, Manufacturers vs Manufacturers.
Unfortunately this might hinder some really good products from reaching the consumers. I mean cheaper and better working products. Because these products might came from people who are not specialized in the field.
Yes being specialized and always available to solve some specific problem is important, just because an accountant could farm better than a farmer doesn't mean that all of the money should go to the accountant. What if the accountant decided to go back accounting, or ran out of ideas?

People who are new to some areas sometimes ended up able to offer new perspective. They are more spiritful in doing the job because there's a sense of newness when doing so. If the habit of looking for new perspectives could be nurtured, people wouldn't have to wait years and years before getting their hands on a technology. The problem is, specialized dudes often gets agitated if some new people came in and "took" "their" market.

My solution to this problem is a little bit communistic, but still could appropriately allocate resources to the sources of solution, IMHO.

1. Appoint Guardians of inclinations. The Guardians would maintain and make sure that some inclinations would always be prioritized in reality.
Example: 1. The Guardians of the inclination to keep people secure.
2. The Guardians of the inclination to keep people healthy
3. The Guardians of the inclination to keep people informed
4. Guardians of Privacy
5. Guardians of Transport
6. Guardians of Peace

Now, allocate huge sums of money to each guardians. But reduce these salaries accordingly to problems ended up occuring in reality. Yes like insurance companies.
So if the standard salary for each Guardians of Safety is 8 million rupiahs per month, reduce it to 5 millions, if the level of crime, riots, etc happened were quite high.
If child mortality increased, reduce the salaries of the Guardians of Health.
Don't appoint the guardian of life though, as most people will die. Or you could but... that's another story.

These Guardians then would be demanded to share appropriately to significant helpers of their mission. This demand might not be regulated, but arise out of necessity.
If a Guardian seemed to take all of the money without giving back to some actual helpers, the people could choose to elect another Guardian in the future.

The difference with this system with existing governments is there are no full time job for the end helpers. Only to the Guardians, and the Guardians are not the end receiver of the salaries, they are supposed to manage the budget appropriately. Again the purpose is to not have some full time incompetence, and full time statists, as the world is changing fast.


Edit: You could have different purpose payments of salaries. Quarterly, Monthly, Yearly, depending on the concerns. Some results could only be reviewed monthly, some results yearly, some for decades.

First and foremost, all guardians must realize that they are guardians of Love. Love is the priority.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Climate Change

I think the level of rainfall for this season is lower compared to previous years. This is just my gut feeling.
I worry that Indonesia is facing massive draught in the future.

Humans now should really consider moving away from seeing the world as their boss. We humans now are the boss, what I'm saying is... as the climate in Australia became more and more wet, people who live in Indonesia should be allowed to go there and cultivate the land.
Scientists should consider the option of manually transporting animals to habitats that are supposedly more friendly for them than what the nature is going to offer in the future.

You can't just say, hey let the nature evolve naturally don't intervene, while we ourselves are a part of nature. We humans have been changing the world ever since the beginning of civilization and in this earth everything is connected.
A secluded ecosystem is not independent from industrial revolutions, they are all one earth ecosystem. Let's throw away this attitude and face reality, we humans have become the boss of the world. Its our decision whether to became a part of natural disaster or natural solutions.

Friday, May 25, 2012

The purpose of Debates

When watching debates we could tell whether or not this is a quality debate or not. A quality debate wants to use fire to test gold vs plastic, the purpose of the debaters are to reveal the truth at the purest quality. But low quality debates only wants to gain public support.

High quality debates:
1. Presents proofs and the tendency to listen and learn about the opponent's interpreations of the proof.

Low quality debates:
1. Reputation attacks.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

The inclination to mutual relationships v.08

This is just a theory, but I think sin is a product.
Tools you use to acquire something is a product including sin.
Therefore whenever you use sin, you owe to the inclination to sin some form of payments.

Humans acquired the knowledge of good and evil using sin.
Even though the fruit is God's, but as much as Jesus said to give back to Caesar what's Caesar's,
any form of services given to facilitate accomplishment of goals should be payed back.

This is the barrier between God and Humans. Even though some humans might be very righteous, but everytime the knowledge of good and evil was used, all men owed services to evil. And the appropriate form of payment to evil are evil deeds.

The death of Jesus payed this in full. I think that this is because the existence of Jesus himself is a major threat to the devil. Jesus is righteous and powerful, he knew how the world works in and out, and if He were not killed He could've shunned evil massively, making evil really really insignificant including human beings that used evil services.

But He came not to be selfish, He came to earth to be killed by humans. So that His killing would be an act that is so useless to righteous humans it was counted as a pure or clean payment to the devil. The payment was so expensive due to the massiveness of Jesus' threat to evil, that evil was considered in debt to humans to the eternity. No evil deeds made by humans could make up the debt forever.
However humans didn't initiate this killing as a sacrifice to free themselves from evil, Jesus initiated this killing God initiated this killing as a sacrifice to free humans from evil. So the sacrifice itself is a product made by God, and so humans that wanted to get into this system owed themselves to Jesus whom God has granted the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever.

And so after Jesus' killing, the barrier between God and men were eradicated, no longer God could not be with men because men has payed his debt to devil forever, and if humans wanted to be righteous and chose to be with Jesus, they could do so freely even with the knowledge of good and evil without having to do anything evil anymore.

But since the world / the earth was without Jesus, evil got the gain that it didn't got minisculed, and therefore still has its influence in the world. People still use evil to accomplish things. All administrations, all forms of existence, if gripped by evil would be destroyed, including human's body.

But Jesus has risen from the death, humans that are righteous and inclined to have relationships with God through Jesus will be given the grace by Jesus. And so will be able to access the path that Jesus had taken. Humans could live forever like Jesus as a part of love. Not in old form of bodies that could be messed up by evil, but in new bodies that evil has no access to.

Because just as evil could access the world of men, Adam and Eve, through them act of defiance. Evil could not access the new world of men that's initiated by Jesus because Jesus is righteous and has never and will never give himself to sin forever.

Update 8th of February 2012 + 17th of February 2012:
I saw "Christian with a view" blog post "I hope I read that wrong" and it made me think and add more to this sayings of mine.
There would be times when some people experienced a Holy Spirit experience, an experience that should be with him/her to the eternity. But if the person who had managed to experience this, when he / she was interacting with the Holy Spirit, but decided to reject the Holyness then that maybe that's what the bible says about an unforgivable sin.
Through faith in Jesus, people would be given the access, by Jesus, to redemption. Believers won't have to pay for the use of sin to the devil. But after that believers also need to incline to connect with God, that's the whole purpose of Jesus' work, to connect people with God, otherwise there's no point of His sacrifice. After becoming a Believer, the next thing to do is to do God's work.

1 John 3: 9-10

The Father missed Jesus, and Jesus is incomplete without His disciple. Now is the opportunity to be His disciple, to do His work in this world when He's not here. When He's back what role would be left for us to fulfill?

Friday, January 27, 2012

God and Entropy

The world works with purpose, in my opinion without purpose there would be no laws.
But we as a living being could have our own purpose, unlike non living things doesn't initiate interactions.
God is alive, and His purpose is what matters

Entropy increase when we want to make a system of our purpose. While the universe works not for our sole purpose, thats the way it is.
But if we align our purpose with God's. Then there would be no such thing as entropy, because every changes that happens, happens for a reason. We don't have to identify every reason, but we could have faith in God that He is Love, He is Lovely, and He wants us to be a part of Him.

Jesus is coming soon v.02

E=mc2 is now The sunrise is several counts forward or behind Scrutiny slows the permeation of badness Scrutiny enabled the barrages of goodn...