Thursday, October 12, 2023

Look up

 Lie is a violence against the Truth and the Truth is the Truthful Reality. 

If you asked how come the world seems to be so against me sometimes, out of nowhere, than that might be the answer.

Although the Truth is also trying to draw from chaos without the bad part, to save the good part of chaos. Cooperating with the bad part of chaos, the enemy, the allegiance of lies is set to attack Truthful order. The difference is when it came to evil misfortunes, we'd knew why and where did the attacks came from (Satan). 

So being humans our lies are being attacked by reality, then our truths are being attacked by evil. This is genesis' death, biblical death (in my opinion), the penalty of determination. 

So looking at history how the answer makes sense in Jesus. Just be brave, at least live for something die for something. Who as by being fearful is going to avoid the inevitable? So live for something, die for something. 

That I mean for everyone and for everyone different things matters. But to the world Jesus' death was stupidity, it was the one campaigned by the preacher of Ecclesiastes 12:15, such was Jesus' choice. Also all of Ecclesiastes covered the whole point I'm trying to make in here and beyond.


For those who stood under the wall of a house couldn't see the whole house, 

The cross is something beyond that of the tallest skyscrapers.

Monday, August 28, 2023

Uang dan Kebenaran v.03

Kebenaran itu berbicara tentang ingatan Tuhan dan kecenderungan Tuhan. Masa lalu selalu stabil atau pasti (dalam bahasa kita), misalnya kemarin saya makan nasi, misalnya, tidak serta merta kemudian kemarin berubah saya jadi tidak makan nasi. Roh Kebenaran mau menjaga ini semua dan melalui Tuhan Yesus kita dinyatakan bahwa Roh Kebenaran menginginkan hal - hal yang baik (ketika Dia dituduh menggunakan kekuatan jahat untuk melakukan hal yang baik, ketika Dia mengatakan Tuhan itu baik, ketika Dia mengatakan Roh Kudus adalah Roh Tuhan). Maksud saya apa yang baik menurut Tuhan secara konseptual adalah sesuatu yang ada di dalam diri kita juga sebagai hal-hal yang baik. Ketika kita menganggap sesuatu itu baik secara ilahi kita berbicara tentang kekekalan, kekekalan yang sebenar benarnya. 

Ok turun tangga sedikit, jadi soal kebenaran adalah soal memori yang pas, memori yang cocok. Itulah mengapa post ini mau memberi argumen bahwa berbicara tentang uang berarti kita juga berbicara tentang Tuhan kita Roh Kudus. Mengapa? Karena uang sebenarnya mau mengingatkan kita tentang pertolongan pertolongan yang sudah dilakukan oleh saudara saudara kita, dalam ekonomi yang baik, uang dimanfaatkan untuk membantu dan memecahkan masalah. Dalam uang ada memori, dan melalui uang kita meraba-raba Kebenaran dan berbakti pada Roh Kudus. 

Itulah maka pernyataan Tuhan kita, sebagai sebuah pernyataan yang ilahi, mengatakan bahwa akar dari segala kejahatan adalah cinta akan uang. Terlepas dari tata bahasa aramaic / greek di masa lalu, kita bisa mengerti bahwa keserakahan sehubungan dengan Mamon yang dimaksud di sini adalah ketika kita tidak menjadi bagian dari Kerajaan Allah karena uang, ketika karena tidak dapat uang kita tidak menolong orang misalnya atau kita tidak mau memberi uang yang pantas kepada mereka yang menolong kita misalnya. Kedua sisi bisa saling mengklaim, tapi intinya kita harus memprioritaskan apa yang baik dan apa yang benar, cinta akan uang menimbulkan kebohongan, suatu pengakuan yang tidak pantas kepada mereka yang bekerja / tidak bekerja, suatu deviasi dari equilibrium, suatu ketidakjujuran. Siapakah Setan, bapa kebohongan. Apakah itu kejahatan? Kejahatan adalah potensi misalokasi sumber daya. Apakah itu keadilan? salah satunya adalah antonim dari kejahatan. 

Dalam segala sesuatu yang kau lakukan, lakukanlah itu dengan sungguh sungguh, seperti untuk Tuhan dan bukan untuk manusia. 


Ok tapi sebaiknya saya juga segera memberi nuance atau klarifikasi, karena orang yang tidak jujur (anak anak gelap) selalu mau mencari cara agar kebaikan tidak terwujud, termasuk dengan bermain kata. Susah membedakan orang tidak jujur dengan jujur, juga kapan seseorang lagi jujur dan kapan lagi tidak jujur. 

Jadi tentu saja kalau kita disuruh kerja tapi bayarannya tidak sesuai kita bisa menolak, itu juga kan berbakti buat ekonomi kita. Cuma apakah penolakan itu baik? Case per case lah masak top down semua, untuk apa ada manusia bikin AI aja semua bumi ini kalau keadilan segampang itu. Bisa saja cuma dikerjakan sebagian itu yang baik. 

Hanya saja ketidak resmian vs keresmian ini betul betul bikin perbedaan. Seperti kita jalannya lurus, tapi kalau lurus di atas padang dan lurus di atas bukit ya beda bentuknya. Bagaimanapun juga Tuhan kita adalah Sang Firman, jadi kita juga musti menghargai keresmian. Uang pun adalah keresmian, dan kata-kata.

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Derived from Revelation v.02

Once upon a time, in the future in a multiverse similar to ours. There was the Earth, and the people of earth were in division. Some Christians had successfully broken apart from the rest of the world and created an independent community. The rest of the world were being overtaken by bloodthirsty gangsters. 

The bloodthirsty gangster organization became the majority however somehow the Christians were solid and managed to avoid extinction. One trait that differenciates between the two was that the bloodthirsty needed good hearted people to glue them together. As smart as they possibly could, they couldn't prevent war between themselves without the exploitation of the good hearted people, that's the only thing that keeps them together. They called these good hearted people the "cattles" and they were treated poorly (but its hard to say sometimes because it wasn't obvious). 

Slowly and surely the color of the earth turned more orange than blue, for the sake of exterminating the Christians who made them looked bad they were willing to totally transformed the earth itself. However, even through such globally targeted disaster, God protected the Christians with revelations after revelations and inventions after inventions. The weakhearted wouldn't dare to walk but the way had always been available. 

Overtime some cattles managed to escape their predicaments, and soon more and more cattles escaped. As events unfold, either the cattles ended up losing their goodness of hearts, escaped, or passed away. 

Upon the dwindling of cattles the demon posessed should come up with a solution to survive. There arise the antichrist who will lead them to glory. It was glorious indeed, they even could show off miracles after miracles and should one compared the Christians' life with theirs it would be unsurprising to expect that the verdict was that they got it better. 

However, war inside is wreaking havoc through the dimension unseen, like an infected wound they were fighting each other invisibly, eating away individualities and the assets of the conscious. Within 3 and a half counts of time their kingdom fell into some weird civil wars and succumbed to poverty. 

After this were the 1000 years of peace where the earth turned blue again. 

During this time human beings have excelled their health technology so a lot of people had lived for more than a thousand years, both Christians and the demon posessed. Due to the separation of domains, both communities grew at their own style, and it is clear that the demon posessed were evolving through bloodshed.


The end of 1000 years of peace. 

Seeing no future for them on earth and with such deep despise towards existence at heart. They schemed to end everything. With all the weapons they had they marched to tear down the wall between the two civilizations. Such were physical and digital. Everybody had expected this, so when the time came "whatever will be will be" was the theme. 

In a weird but powerful way the war ended leaving those who wanted to die died, and those who loved life lived.  

Sunday, July 9, 2023

Today I sort of dumbfounded

I was experimenting with voices and noises when the Islamic Prayer chant started, and then I discovered (could be just me though), it has a potent soothing effect for PTSD. I was bamboozled for a sizeable amount of time then

They should've tell people that that's what it do in my opinion if it's true. Albeit that's not the only thing per se, still people should understand what it's also about

Sunday, May 28, 2023

This is deeply concerning v.02c

The average IQ of the audience or intended readers of Romans are significantly higher than the audience of popular youtube and maybe tiktok (getting the second hand news here) videos.

Thank God for the popularity of the scientific discipline way of thinking, the philosophy behind it and the people who have made it glorified, we have stood on these giant shoulders all this time. Seriously but, things got to improve quick

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

The MAGIs in my concept, based on Paul's sayings in the Romans v.02

 So you would want to use:

The Law as Casper, Proper History/Image of Our Lord Jesus Christ as Balthazar, and Scientific peer reviewed information as Melchior

The Law means the law as we know it but the part that is made from the Truth and Justice, and it supposed to be updated always in accordance to the reality of things as Truthful as the Truth is. 

People would use The Law and Science together, if the combination between Jesus and the Law and Science didn't enhance the combination significantly then you haven't got Jesus properly. If the combination between Jesus and Science was not that essentially good, you haven't got Jesus properly. If the combination between Jesus and the Law was not that revolutionarily fundamental for the future, you haven't got Jesus enough.

If the whole Jesus thing is cap, then don't use it. If you haven't got it then you haven't got it, if you never going to get it because its all a lie then why bother? Personally I believe in it (Jesus) so it is my agenda, but if one would have the perspective where they could make sense of it then suppose he/she would expand on it, I would expect discoveries and revelations.

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Stages of stagnation

First of all read Ecclesiastes

1. If you hit a wall and got stuck, just do anything. The water is too murky to see anything right, just do anything / something. The change from what you do will point you towards a new state, or if not do something else.

2. If you hit a wall and everything feels wrong, then it's meaningless. This stage has a bright side as well, just do anything, just not do anything, it's the same. Keep on being in this state and strengthen your mind, keep on at it until you feel indifference towards anything... then... you'll do something, not because it's the right thing to do but it's just the same as not doing anything. 

Ultimately if you've read Ecclesiastes and put your faith in it you should be alright, prioritize it, trust it. The power of that book is really different than not reading it.

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Are we retarded? v.03

 When exploring properness and morality I realize that to be able to be perfect is really hard, even for things that I've invested in, some of it's potentially harder for me than other people. 

 Therefore, am I a retard? If I were to compare myself to the people who left Jesus because it was "too hard" it's impulsive to think that I'm "normal". But that's 2000 years ago, and Adam and Eve maybe 10,000 years ago... why is it now it's still hard?

 I say if we all could band together and be patient with each other and figure this out, we supposed to innovate in terms of Justice and Truth, to create infrastructures to support properness and morality, goodness, and make it all easier. Honestly this is thousands of years of humanity's issue and most of the answers are already written

Monday, April 24, 2023

Today's thoughts on Proverbs 15

Proverbs 15 is hard for me to get a lot out of, I could only pick up bits and pieces of it. 

As far as I could go, 15 is about the wisdom of speech and also the wisdom of goodness. If you chose the path of righteousness, everything makes you happy and you'll feast even in the evil of the world because knowledge is food too (referring to the Gospel). I noticed that the "merry" heart in 15:13 is different than the "merry" heart in 15:15 probably a translation mistake. If that's the case then such is my take, bad heart could be "merry" as well.

So when a person is depleted of wisdom, criticizing him/her would bring only fights. For me debating is pleasant and nourishing therefore it is not "fights", but that's just me. Okhay so, there's a spectrum here, a person is not completely foolish not completely wise. If you see the light in their eyes you'd know that they're nourished by it. So we want criticism to rise to a higher plane, why would you stirred up strife when you could cater to the light of the eyes. 

But again as a wise person you should be able to control yourself too, if there were "fights" the one talking sh*t is probably to blame even when he means "well" but doesn't change the fact that if we attacked sound knowledge we were the fools and we were not being wise.

In the end of this post I repeat that I could only take so few out of this chapter, it's hard for me to make up better meanings out of them wisdom

Thursday, February 16, 2023

What kind of credit is Christian-like?

I think we should move more and more towards preferential shares from our current credit ways. The important part of it is Proverbs 3:27, when you could pay you should pay especially when the loaner asked you for it.

Jesus is coming soon v.02

E=mc2 is now The sunrise is several counts forward or behind Scrutiny slows the permeation of badness Scrutiny enabled the barrages of goodn...