Sunday, January 30, 2022

Pendapat tentang Sermon of the Mount

Beberapa waktu yang lalu, dengar podcast Joe Rogan dengan Jordan Peterson dan Jordan Peterson memberi semacam assurance tentang arti dari "Biarlah kesusahan sehari untuk sehari". Berdasarkan pengertianku dia mencoba mengoreksi orang orang yang mengartikan hal itu sebagai Tuhan Yesus menasehatkan kecerobohan padahal maksudnya adalah ada hal yang dari Tuhan untuk hari itu, itu saja yang kita lakukan tidak usah tamba tambai kekhawatiran kita segala. 

Ok daripada semakin salah lagi seperti permainan kereta bisik bisik, langsung saja saya berbicara tentang kesimpulan saya pribadi:

Lakukanlah apa yang benar pada hari itu, kalau kekhawatiran menyulitkan kita untuk melakukan hal itu, untuk apa kita khawatir? 

Jadi maksudnya kalau menabung atau berinvestasi adalah hal yang baik untuk dilakukan pada hari itu, ya lakukanlah itu juga. Kalau menolong orang, berterimakasih, belanja, adalah hal yang benar untuk dilakukan pada hari itu, ya kenapa tidak. Besok akan ada hal yang benarnya sendiri, yang penting kita selesaikan hal yang benar untuk dilakukan hari ini maka kita akan berada pada jalur yang benar. 

Nah apakah khawatir bisa membantu kita menemukan apa yang benar? Disinilah kita bisa menemukan alasan dari adanya kekhawatiran dalam diri kita. Apakah kekhawatiran malah lebih mencondongkan kita untuk tidak melakukan hal yang benar? Itulah yang dibicarakan dalam Sermont of The Mount... kalau saya interpretasikan dari pembicaraan di podcast itu. 

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Drawing in Hate v.02

The Game that I play often is War of The Visions - Final Fantasy Brave Exvius, it is a mobile game, a Gacha and also a turn based strategy game derived officially from Final Fantasy Tactics. Within the game there's this status effect "Hate" which draw enemies to attack the character. This status currently is used only to one's self or ally, probably it could be interesting to increase hate on the enemy but let's not go there for now. The use of drawing in hate on your character is so that the enemies' attacks wouldn't be directed towards other characters. The character that got Hate up usually are bulky and would be fine taking a few hits. 

Such concept also exist in other games, to tank, or to kite. Now how's that related to Christianity? One thing that I overlooked about the death of Christ is that ever since the beginning, Christ knew that He was about to endure "injustice". He didn't manipulate the world so that all of those injustice would be directed to Him, but like one's action would have the opposite reaction, everytime you set yourself to be ethical and good and Just, there's always resistance in one way or the other - from yourself or from other people or from nature.  

If we looked at what happened during the crucifixion we could see that some of the people who wanted Him dead ended up feeling bad about it, the soldier who was supposed to be an enemy ended up giving Jesus something to drink. After the crucifixion, Jesus ended up being resurrected, obtained corporeal body, and even more amazing access to the miracles of life. Jesus also was rewarded by The Father with properties in Heaven. My point is when you knew the injustice is coming and you converted those injustice into something that's actually or Truthfully good for you, then the injustice would became Justice. 

A note from 12 Rules for Life by Dr. Jordan Peterson:

"Treat yourself like someone you're responsible for helping"

Reward yourself after injustice, (at least) and then reward others. If you could, plan ahead how the sure thing that's going to come could be used for good. Be aggressive, abuse it, and hopefully this is the angle where net injustice could Truthfully go down permanently in reality. 

Jesus is coming soon v.02

E=mc2 is now The sunrise is several counts forward or behind Scrutiny slows the permeation of badness Scrutiny enabled the barrages of goodn...