Wednesday, November 9, 2022

My Assumption about the biblical Jew v.02

The biblical Jew, the pureblood, based on something I read in proverb, seems like a race that had all kinds of perks and problems of all races that had specialized. 

So they haven't experienced a differenciating evolution, but this is a wild guess out of just an insufficient clue. But if this is correct, then it could be why it's strategic for Jesus to be a biblical Jew

Friday, November 4, 2022

Is this what it was saying?

Where is the tree of life?

Answer: What is the lie taken by Eve and Adam?

My Thoughts about the Implications

Jesus' death in corresponds with Proverbs that says "the wicked for the day of Judgement":

- Hatred is not merely about preserving immidiate form of property, but to reveal lies. So if after the destruction of your property you'd get something that you wanted more you'd not hate. It wouldn't be a hateful event even though it destroys your current property. 

Actually I inserted that there about the revelation of lies. First thing first, if you're going to get a better property you wouldn't be hateful when you lost your current property... it's trading. 

So Jesus' death revealed the way to trade for an eternal life, but really to pinpoint it or the science behind it is still not articulable for me. However I do have an assumption: If you revealed lies you'd deserve property. The protection of property and the revelation of lies are the same thing from the point of view of the Truth. Since everything works Truthfully, the revelation of lies by us is like working for the Truth and deserving a reward upon success. 

Could that mean salvation? For me yes, and if I could trade this unstable temporary acknowledgements from people who could switched to hate me or against me in a fling, I would. 

Monday, October 31, 2022

John 3:16 - v.02

John 3: 16

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life


Believe is so important for us Christians but I remember not understanding what believe is all about. So just as a self reminder and hopefully for those who experienced the same:

God is cruel, the Truth is cruel, while the Spirit of Truth wants to keep the Truth on. But God is also Love and as the Sun is shone for the good and the bad, reality is a place for both the good and the bad. 

The Son however, is the part of God that's humane, that's "conscious" in a way that He wants the best, the Truthfully sustainably permanently Good for us. Negotiable as a Human. 

So if you believe that setting up a house on the top of a mountain is safe, that the mountain was not an active vulcano, then by all means. But if it turned out that it was an active vulcano then you'd experience cruelty. Therefore, belief in the Truth is what sets us free, and the liar is the enemy. 

So it's not stupidity, it's just reason. Don't let people make you think you are not meant to reason for yourself.

Sunday, October 16, 2022


 Dalam Yesus Kristus

Saya ciptaan Tuhan yang kekal

Jiwaku mau dimasukkan dalam format format ketidak kekalan?

Tuhanlah pembelaku yang berperang ganti aku, milik kepunyaan-Nya

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Addicted to Eden v.09

Why evil wants you to overcommit?

Why building up as big as possible as fast as possible is overrewarded and hedging and reserves and diversifications were ridiculed?

Imagine Singapore being taken over by Kim Jung Il, Imagine Google being taken over by SJWs, Imagine the land of the free being a communist country

Why evil wants you to overcommit though?

Because if we built a pyramid we wouldn't need the support of the sands of slaves and their bloody souls to maintain its standing anymore. 

If we built a perfect mesh for the sake of Goodness, if we just take our time, then evil wouldn't be able to get its hands on our eden, truthfully, forever Truthfully

Evanescence - Everybody's Fool

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Why Property is important for Christians

 Jesus talked about property positively. There were 2 occassions that are popular:

1. The Parable about 5 wise brides and 5 not so wise brides

2. The Parable about an owner and employer giving different rewards to different workers disproportionate in terms of a contribution scale. 

So obviously the idea of property that is prescribed by Jesus Christ is indeed the kind of property that's villanized by communism. Why is this the case?

We need property to focus on serving and not on other things. It's not like that it's fine to sin when you don't have property, it's just that property works and that's the Truth. 

Isn't it evil not to share? Isn't it evil to give different salaries for the same amount of work and even inversely to the amounts of work? No it's not. When you have something it's evil for those who are not you to deprived you off of its ownership. Isn't it good to be able to give what you have to whosoever you desire? Isn't it good to be able to refuse?

There is the proof that Jesus is all about the Truth and not political correctness

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Today's Thoughts after thinking about the bible v.06

 I searched who's the greatest in the kingdom of God and found these two answers:

- Little Kids

- Servants

I also read proverbs and I'm fixated on the contrast between the proud and the widow Proverb 15:25

What is the "Proud" mentioned here and in Psalms that it is so bad? 


I like to call on people who don't want to take the due responsibilities but felt entitled to all the benefits "Little Kids", but this is where I'm wrong. Little Kids embrace responsibilities, they want to be bigger and stronger and more capable and explore more (they have the desire to do it right). While the people who have ceased from holding on to the principals of accountability are the opposite of those. 

So the more one wants to contribute, the more of the person was like a little kid. The more a person is young, the more he/she would want to make better and better results. 

So the opposite of this must be the "proud" that's meant by the Proverbs and Psalms based on the contrast on the widow and the other contrasts mentioned there (in Proverbs and Psalms). The "proud" would be the opposite of humbleness where the proud would consider himself/herself no longer necessary to be a further productive positive member of the Kingdom. 



We are called to leave our childishness behind and to be an adult. For me now I interpret this as being wiser in taking responsibilities, as much as I want to work and yield results, I also want to do it responsibly. What is responsible productivity? The kind of productivity that is productive and when it was not, we are there to make it right. 

As adults who want to be like Little Kids, we are to be careful not to take on ventures that would hurt our wannability to serve. We are to be careful to accurately pick ventures that would improve our wannability to serve. Making a lot of solutions could hurt our servanthood when they were bad, but making solutions is the way of life. So we got to make it good.

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Evangelism argument

My opinion is not yours, so do the opinions of 1000 other people, or a 1.000.000 others

So there's no hope? There is, The Spirit of Truth is God

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Proverbs 10 : 19

 In the multitude of words there wanteth not sin: but he that refraineth his lips is wise.

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Proverbs 22:16 v.03c

"He that oppresseth the poor to increase his riches, and he that giveth to the rich, shall surely come to want"

I looked up in H5414 which is the word "giveth" and also the Hebrew text from M.L Kohen's channel on youtube, here's the word per word translation I copied:

one-oppressing poor-one to-increase to-him

one-giving to-rich-one only to-poverty

עֹשֵֽׁק דָּל לְהַרְבּוֹת לוֹ נֹתֵן לְעָשִׁיר אַךְ־ 


I'm not an expert and I don't even speak hebrew. So to the extent of my limitation, wouldn't it make more sense if we put the translation like this?

"He that oppresseth the poor to increase the riches that's to be passed over to the rich, shall surely come to want"

Cause why is it bad to give to the rich? What's the context? Solomon was rich, surely he got it given from other people. He's not a gold miner, he's not a farmer, he's not a builder, etc


Edit: "He that oppresseth the poor to accumulate for the rich, shall surely come to want", what do you think?

Thursday, June 16, 2022

The Shun and my speculation regarding it

When Adam and Eve fell from grace, God shunned them away from the garden leaving them in the world of hard difficulties. 

I believe this event happened for this reason (among others):

Violation of order would invoke liabilities to exploits, if you kept on living in a "Garden" while the system was vulnerable, everything done was subject to sabotage. 

So rather than having expensive ventures being sabotaged in the end, we must diversify and always take into account exploit vulnerabilities in everything we do. Like when installing an operating system you should always have an antivirus/security management system with you. 

Ok so this is my speculation,

The order to multiply and subdue the earth (Genesis 1) was it before or after the fall? It could be after Adam and Eve were shunned, cause the reason why human beings should be so many is to brought into reality a comprehensive security system or systems that's good enough to mitigate all of the evil from the "enemy". Good enough "anti-injustice" systems


Proverbs 4:23

Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.

The Spirit of Truth is not dismissable v.02

 And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;

That's Colossian 3:23

So at first it seems that people who do their job with lies get different results than those who do it Truthfully, a lot more money potentially.

For us Christians we must keep our Faith including our logic that the way things develop, things that were done in despise of the Truth would brought about irrelevance (in terms of the Truth).

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Wilderness v.02

I read revelation 12 where it talked about a holy pregnant woman being targeted by the serpent. The serpent ended up not being able to reach her as she was in the wilderness. 

So it is not that the serpent couldn't see where she was, nor did the serpent didn't knew. It couldn't reached her

Wilderness must be a place where people could make a living being 100% honest (and good and orderly or the variations of it, everything that's good). That place is a safe place but it is also known.

Monday, March 28, 2022

Kebenaran yang membebaskan

Pertama soal rasisme, ada rasis karena merasa rasnya superior ada rasis karena merasa rasnya inferior. Kalau merasa inferior segala penyangkalan dipakai, ras itu tidak adil begini ras itu tidak adil begitu, ras saya korban dari ras itu sehingga ras saya berhak ras itu tidak berhak. Kalau superior ketidak adilannya jelas, memperlakukan ras lain dengan buruk seperti sampah yang tidak berharga. 

Batas yang digunakan untuk memisahkan rasis dan tidak rasis itu adalah keadilan, apakah kita menutupi akses orang lain kepada kesejahteraan karena rasnya atau tidak? 

Lalu ada lagi rasisme yang adil atau kalau pakai bahasanya Andrew Schulz rasial bukan rasis, misalnya karena kompetisi umumnya yang jadi pesepakbola adalah orang bule dan orang hitam, begitu lihat orang asia main bola lawan orang bule, sudah prediksi akan kalah... adil. Tapi menjadi tidak adil kalau tim asianya dilarang berkompetisi. 

Sekarang menjadi tidak nyaman ketika masuk ke dunia kerja, kapan rasis menjadi tidak adil? Ketika orang - orang harus berkompetisi dan penghidupannya dipertaruhkan, apakah adil menolak berpartner kerja dengan orang lain berdasarkan ras? Inilah uniknya monopoli, ketika suatu pihak telah mencapai monopoli, menolak bertransaksi dengan ras tertentu sudah pasti rasis. Tapi ketika tidak monopoli, ada ruang dimana itu tidak rasis. Contoh, dalam hal menerima pegawai / pekerja, selama ini pekerja kulit biru selalu sukses membawa penghasilan dibanding kulit hijau walaupun awal-awalnya mereka kelihatannya sama pintarnya. Demi kelangsungan bisnis dan keterbatasan waktu / personel, bisnis memilih berdasarkan warna kulit. Kalau mau jujur, tidak bisa langsung dibilang rasis menurut saya (walaupun mungkin saja rasis). 

Tapi dalam segala kondisi selalu saja ada sudut dimana sesuatu yang seharusnya tidak rasis menjadi rasis, sesuatu yang rasis menjadi tidak rasis. Bagaimana menghilangkan rasisme? atau genderisme? atau diskriminasi, keminderan yang ganas, atau kesombongan? Semua masalah itu timbul dari kepercayaan bahwa kebenaran itu bukanlah hal yang paling besar, paling penting, dan paling kompleks melebihi segala kemampuan siapapun dan berapapun jumlah orang digabung menjadi satu. 

Kalau orang menyadari kenyataan bahwa kebenaran atau kenyataan itu tidak bisa dikungkung maka semua sudut pandang setiap orang yang berbeda, asal itu jujur, baik anak kecil maupun orang cacat, asal itu jujur, selalu pekat, selalu kompleks dan simpel, selalu berharga, selalu penting. Kalau tidak berarti kita sendiri yang kurang pintar. 

Jadi apapun ras orang tersebut atau dari manapun asal mereka selama mereka bisa jujur, maka mereka jauh lebih penting daripada orang orang terhebat dari keluarga kita yang tidak mau jujur dengan kita atau suka membohongi kita. 

Dari sini kelihatan sekali orang-orang yang bermasalah, entah minder atau sombong, mereka hanya mau adil sama kita kalau suatu syarat terjadi. Misalnya kita mengadopsi gaya orang hebat dari rasnya / geng nya (ini minder), kita diam dan tidak berkarakter (ini sombong), kita berpacaran dengan orang dari rasnya (ini minder), intinya selalu satu sudut pandang atau cara yang dikedepankan. Maka selalu dari segala sudut, segala cara, atau segala kondisi, akan ada saja sesuatu yang tidak adil / diskriminasi yang akan dilakukan. 

Jadi kuncinya hanya itu, kalau seseorang tidak menghargai kebenaran dengan harga yang pantas, yaitu yang terberharga di dunia, dia akan jadi tidak adil (dengan manifestasi yang bermacam macam). Kalau orang orang tersebut ngumpul jadi satu, maka ketidak adilan itu akan sistematis sifatnya.

Destined cake eaters

Proverb 10:22 (, accessed 28'th of March 2022)

The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it

Friday, February 18, 2022

Search me O God

 In Psalm 139, King David said:

"Search me O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts"

This is a personality to obtain, an achievement of training and wisdom. Scrutiny might seem like a deadly murderer, audit a killer. But those who live comfortable in scrutiny are themselves and those who prosper in fear of scrutiny keeps on running away from being themselves. 

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Pendapat tentang Sermon of the Mount

Beberapa waktu yang lalu, dengar podcast Joe Rogan dengan Jordan Peterson dan Jordan Peterson memberi semacam assurance tentang arti dari "Biarlah kesusahan sehari untuk sehari". Berdasarkan pengertianku dia mencoba mengoreksi orang orang yang mengartikan hal itu sebagai Tuhan Yesus menasehatkan kecerobohan padahal maksudnya adalah ada hal yang dari Tuhan untuk hari itu, itu saja yang kita lakukan tidak usah tamba tambai kekhawatiran kita segala. 

Ok daripada semakin salah lagi seperti permainan kereta bisik bisik, langsung saja saya berbicara tentang kesimpulan saya pribadi:

Lakukanlah apa yang benar pada hari itu, kalau kekhawatiran menyulitkan kita untuk melakukan hal itu, untuk apa kita khawatir? 

Jadi maksudnya kalau menabung atau berinvestasi adalah hal yang baik untuk dilakukan pada hari itu, ya lakukanlah itu juga. Kalau menolong orang, berterimakasih, belanja, adalah hal yang benar untuk dilakukan pada hari itu, ya kenapa tidak. Besok akan ada hal yang benarnya sendiri, yang penting kita selesaikan hal yang benar untuk dilakukan hari ini maka kita akan berada pada jalur yang benar. 

Nah apakah khawatir bisa membantu kita menemukan apa yang benar? Disinilah kita bisa menemukan alasan dari adanya kekhawatiran dalam diri kita. Apakah kekhawatiran malah lebih mencondongkan kita untuk tidak melakukan hal yang benar? Itulah yang dibicarakan dalam Sermont of The Mount... kalau saya interpretasikan dari pembicaraan di podcast itu. 

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Drawing in Hate v.02

The Game that I play often is War of The Visions - Final Fantasy Brave Exvius, it is a mobile game, a Gacha and also a turn based strategy game derived officially from Final Fantasy Tactics. Within the game there's this status effect "Hate" which draw enemies to attack the character. This status currently is used only to one's self or ally, probably it could be interesting to increase hate on the enemy but let's not go there for now. The use of drawing in hate on your character is so that the enemies' attacks wouldn't be directed towards other characters. The character that got Hate up usually are bulky and would be fine taking a few hits. 

Such concept also exist in other games, to tank, or to kite. Now how's that related to Christianity? One thing that I overlooked about the death of Christ is that ever since the beginning, Christ knew that He was about to endure "injustice". He didn't manipulate the world so that all of those injustice would be directed to Him, but like one's action would have the opposite reaction, everytime you set yourself to be ethical and good and Just, there's always resistance in one way or the other - from yourself or from other people or from nature.  

If we looked at what happened during the crucifixion we could see that some of the people who wanted Him dead ended up feeling bad about it, the soldier who was supposed to be an enemy ended up giving Jesus something to drink. After the crucifixion, Jesus ended up being resurrected, obtained corporeal body, and even more amazing access to the miracles of life. Jesus also was rewarded by The Father with properties in Heaven. My point is when you knew the injustice is coming and you converted those injustice into something that's actually or Truthfully good for you, then the injustice would became Justice. 

A note from 12 Rules for Life by Dr. Jordan Peterson:

"Treat yourself like someone you're responsible for helping"

Reward yourself after injustice, (at least) and then reward others. If you could, plan ahead how the sure thing that's going to come could be used for good. Be aggressive, abuse it, and hopefully this is the angle where net injustice could Truthfully go down permanently in reality. 

Jesus is coming soon v.02

E=mc2 is now The sunrise is several counts forward or behind Scrutiny slows the permeation of badness Scrutiny enabled the barrages of goodn...