Saturday, November 23, 2019

Cain and Able speaks about variety v.02

We know the story when God rejected Cain's vegies and accepted Able's paleo offerings...
To me, this story tells me that for God the type of payment matters. And God is real: If we worked hard but only that one type of hard work, meaning, we are not presenting the reality with other types of offerings, our position is not diversified.

So, the fact that this story is told as one of the earliest ancestral stories in the bible means that the concept is meant to be prioritized as one of the main fundamentals of our life investment plans.

Sometimes our ego wants to complain, how we have worked so hard, sacrificed so much. But have you brought the right type of sacrifice with respect to all the different situations at various points in time?

Wisdom is very important, but there is always a time when our wisdom is not "there" yet, and the wise thing to do always (in the face of that) is to diversify our offerings to God.

In the end, what matters is not the amount nor the intensity of work you put, it is the problem you solve. Using technology we could solve problems now, using how little amount of money we have, from the comfort of our bed through our smartphones.

The scarcity of the world is not of time nor energy nor money but of mutual solutions. True capitalism is when we as individuals acknowledge that there is capital in every little good thing that exists. Charity is hypocritical, giving thanks is more appropriate. (Would you let your sources of solutions rot in poverty?)

Saturday, November 9, 2019

3 Pillars of the Christian Universe

In the end, it is Love, Faith, and Hope
I don't have a perception of how those made the world of existence but,
what's real is that those are what is worth

Considering our mind works in the realm of focus and ignorance, it is just TRUE.
For all that matters the idea is just divinely TRUE, shining in brilliance

Friday, May 31, 2019

The Logos

Why Logos?
Why Jesus is the Logos?

Why not the Letter?
Or why not the Matter?

I think it's because the world is not about the objects, it's about the relationships.

Why Jesus is the Logos?
I believe one of the reason is that relationships within The Kingdom of God are going to be the best kinds of relationship, that would last forever, truthfully.

Let's make it happen

(The blind see, the deaf hears, the depressed become in love with living, the needy got their needs met, the dead become alive, and the joy is everlasting). Amen

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Genre justice issue in my point of view of Christianity v.02

Genre shenanigans could be ended if people agreed on this:
2 types of Genres:
1. Social Genre
2. Biological Genre

The story of Adam and Eve discovered the concept of nakedness after eating the fruit of good and evil, shows that private parts or sexual issues could influence humanity's subconscious greatly. It's so great that other people who have access to our subconscious could cause us serious depression.
So covering up and having the concept of privacy became very relevant due to the judgemental nature of human beings.

In terms of biological genre or sex, some people might find that exposing it, is equal to nakedness. It might be as embarrassing as stating whether or not you are impotent on your passport.

So maybe the real purpose of the whole genre shenanigans is to have biological genres be privatized.

I found that to be reasonable, however, we should not forget that the deepest issue here is not nakedness but judging. People especially Christians, I invite you all to acknowledge that judging is very very very very expensive. It's the beginning of the world's misery, good and evil (not good and bad; evil --> eternally bad). There might be a time when we just had to judge something to be evil, but let's really not take it too lightly.

And for the people who found this idea to be fitting, I suggest approaching this matter in a classy manner, not in a cult-like manner.
Classiness attracts people while cults attack people. Please refrain from attacking, and please do flex.
If your idea is good then you should be able to nurture mutual solutions. If your idea is actually bad, your touch would likely turn gold into hyperinflated styrofoams. 

Thursday, March 14, 2019

The Kingdom of God is Family

When you failed your family will support you
When you're successful the world will

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

My Own E-Currency

Create a market platform where the members could create their own currency.
Each currency should corresponds to the services they could provide, so for example 100 Melki Dollar equals to the creation of 1 yearly financial statement for a small company.
These currencies then traded in the site's market.
Reputation level increased every time the currency completed a circle (it's used to buy services from the creator). And the site will record the journey of the currency. A complete circle rating also considers rating from the costumer who ended the cycle. So every time a currency made a circle the costumer would be asked to give a rating about the service it received, whether they are satisfied with it or not. 
Every 5 or 6 years is the Jobel period when all currencies made 5-6 years ago expired.
Expired currencies will be recorded in the user's history, even though it would not affect the rating because they should not cancel each other for a reason I won't explain now.
If you don't like your currency to be let expired you could announce a buyback using new currencies or other people's currencies.

There are 2 ways that this system could be attacked:
1. Extortion at the end of the circle, this can be addressed by requiring the last customer to post the last transaction in order to be able to rate the currency.
Because the currency has it's history, the reasonable value of the currency could be roughly estimated by the public from the history.

2. Meaningless transactions just to boost reputation.
This can be addressed by tax, the site will have transaction tax maybe 1% or more in order to prevent meaningless transactions.  

Sunday, February 24, 2019

How to optimize that fruit of good and evil

Create standards of what's acceptable and what's not while looking at yourself, past, present, and the future.
Standards that you set when looking at other people are viruses, on the other hand ones that you set while looking at yourselves are vaccines.

There's a reason why the whole bible is devoted to tell the story that God himself came to the world to become a forgiveness activist, and He put His own flesh and blood on it.

The standard you set while looking at other people, used upon yourself could potentially wreck you, on the other hand it's hard to make yourself laugh tickling yourself, it's hard to make yourself depressed out of standards made to take care of yourself.

12 Rules for life by Dr. Jordan Peterson is great, I value every money I spent on it. 

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Arisan dengan format Komsel

Kegiatan sharing dan belajar seperti komunitas sel, tapi ketika waktu "persembahan"/arisan, yang mendapat giliran mendapatkan arisan terlebih dahulu menjelaskan apa yang ingin dicapainya, bisa menolong saudaranya, atau membeli kebutuhannya, atau berterimakasih kepada seseorang, dan lain lain. Sumbangan kemudian dijalankan dan para hadirin komsel menyumbang sekehendak hati mereka.
Kali komsel selanjutnya, yang mendapatkan arisan yang lalu memberikan pertanggung jawaban akan penggunaan uang tersebut dan hasilnya.

Tujuan dari kegiatan ini:

1. Membantu mengumpulkan dana untuk tujuan yang besar yang sulit dicapai sendirian
2. Berusaha bersahabat dengan baik dan produktif dan saling menghormati adalah keuntungan ekstra.
3. Menghormati kegiatan akuntansi dan audit
4. Melatih public speaking/presentasi, articulation skills, dan stakeholders empathy.
5. Menghormati konteks atau tema rohani dibalik keberhasilan material. 

Jesus is coming soon v.02

E=mc2 is now The sunrise is several counts forward or behind Scrutiny slows the permeation of badness Scrutiny enabled the barrages of goodn...