Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Christian Trinity Explained?

This is my video explaining the trinity, take a point of view of inclinations as individuals. The inclination to move, the inclination to wake up, the inclination to make people smart, all kinds of inclinations could be considered as individuals, spirits.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Ajakan Juruselamat, Matius 11:25-30

Pada waktu itu berkatalah Yesus: "Aku bersyukur kepadamu, Bapa, Tuhan langit dan bumi, karena semuanya itu Engkau sembunyikan bagi orang bijak dan orang pandai, tetapi Engkau nyatakan kepada orang kecil.
Ya, Bapa, itulah yang berkenan kepada-Mu
Semua telah diserahkan kepada-Ku oleh Bapa-Ku dan tidak seorangpun mengenal Anak selain Bapa, dan tidak seorang pun mengenal Bapa selain Anak dan orang yang kepadanya Anak itu berkenan menyatakannya.

Marilah kepada-Ku, semua yang letih lesu dan berbeban berat, Aku akan memberi kelegaan kepadamu.

Pikullah kuk yang Kupasang dan belajarlah pada-Ku, karena Aku lemah lembut dan rendah hati dan jiwamu akan mendapat ketenangan.
Sebab kuk yang Kupasang itu enak dan beban-Ku pun ringan.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Mutual Solution

Mutual Solution = Mutual Set of Priorities

The scarcity of the world is not of time nor energy nor money but of mutual solutions

Friday, August 9, 2013

John 8:54, John 8:58, Tuhan Yesus dapat merendahkan Bintang-Bintang, yang sudah begitu diutamakan.

Dia terlebih besar
Dia terlebih besar
Di Dalamku
Di Dalamku

Yesus terlebih besar
Yesus terlebih besar
Di Dalamku Selama-Lamanya


Saturday, July 6, 2013

Why nothing's for free

In the 6 days world nothing is "for free" to have the life you want you must "pay"
Now what does it mean?
It means that just following your desire could not automatically bring advantage to the people and the inclinations that have helped you. (Advantage in terms of the inclination to incline, in Love's respect).

So, the next step, we should work towards creating a world where it's easier and easier to give thanks to the sources of our solutions, (except evil because Jesus has cleared the debt on the cross and He has risen so that we or the people who is living in Him is living in freedom, bounded by evil no more... the 6 days world will perish, His Kingdom will be everything).

Itunes is facilitating this, Google wallet has, lets participate...

Let's not forget our teachers, many teachers live in poverty or in near poverty, some even depend their lives on bribes. Let's realize the Kingdom, by changing this.

Monday, June 24, 2013


Makhluk hidup, makhluk hidup, karena memiliki kendali atas diri mereka / sesuatu.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Tithe and Charity v.02

I think the church and gatherings could do this:
- Call people at stage to share their testimonies, and sufferings.
- The Church leader would highlight 2 sufferings of the week, the whole congregation will give charity to the sufferers.
- If the collection money is not enough for both of them, the church priest will run the second collection, if the number is odd, the second charity would go to the first sufferer, if the number was even it will go to the second sufferer.

The church full timers would get their salary from tithes.


The building of the people would consist of two parts:
1. House of prayer (I've seen one of this in Toraja city)
2. Community center.

Every so often, people would gather at the community center sharing their skills, stories, marketings, products music, teachings, etc.
The house of prayer should be separated from the community center, and this is where people pray, it opens everyday, and the full timers could bring ceremonial bread and wine and share them with prayers everyday. They also could read passages from the bible when people pray as well as play soothing voices of praise and worship.

During sunday, people come to the community center, and take turns to enter the house of prayer (since the house of prayer opens everyday, it's might be positioned at the focus of the premise but smaller in size compared to the community center).
At the gathering in the community center people sing and play music and bring collections, help each other, market their products, share their understanding, experiences, and sufferings.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Gereja sebagai sumber solusi

Titus 3: 12-14

Segera sesudah kukirim Artemas atau Tikhikus kepadamu, berusahalah datang kepadaku di Nikopolis, karena sudah kuputuskan untuk tinggal di tempat itu selama musim dingin ini. Tolonglah sebaik-baiknya Zenas, ahli hukum itu, dan Apolos, dalam perjalanan mereka, agar mereka jangan kekurangan apapun.

Dan biarlah orang-orang kita juga belajar melakukan pekerjaan yang baik untuk dapat memenuhi keperluan hidup yang pokok, supaya hidup mereka jangan sampai tidak berbuah.  

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Till it spent

Difference between Christians' offering and Atheists' charity:
Christians don't give for the sake of this time, helping our brothers is never a waste no matter how much no matter how rare. Never a waste.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Berseru Tuhan Tuhan!

Sering kita dengar orang mengatakan, walaupun kamu sudah bernubuat, melayani, melakukan mujizat, kamu belum tentu dapat diterima Tuhan.
Tapi saya rasa orang suka mencampur-campur apa yang mereka ingat dengan apa yang mereka salah ingat.
Dalam matius 22, menolong orang miskin tidak disinggung-singgung. Kenapa masih bilang lagi, walaupun menolong orang miskin kamu mungkin tidak masuk kerajaan surga menggunakan ayat ini?
Ayat ini jelas jelas bermaksud agar kita melakukan kehendak Bapa di surga, yaitu hal yang lebih penting daripada bernubuat, dan membuat mujizat.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

The future of circumcision

In the future the circumcision would be:
To rewire our brain so that the body still tells that it's being broken or might being broken apart but, without objection (pain).
Because we Christians believe that Jesus has broken it's body for us, so it's lovely for a body to be broken apart for the purpose of our mind. The way we want to obey God without objections.

Another solution to piracy

Christians could give to other christians discount on products, if the other christians have helped their brothers and sisters in Christ before.
So producers of new versions of software could give discounts to people who have paid to them their previous versions.

God is the source of all solutions, I exist because of God, God is love. Ofcourse if people have participated in the correcting of the sufferings (healing) of our brothers / sisters in Christ, those people have participated in making my world friendlier. I want to make their world friendlier as well.

Jesus is our friend.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Yoh 1:1, Pada mulanya adalah Firman; Firman itu adalah Allah

Yoh 3:
ayat 3: Yesus menjawab, kata-Nya:
Aku berkata kepadamu, sesungguhnya jika seorang tidak dilahirkan kembali ia tidak dapat melihat Kerajaan Allah
ayat 5-6: Aku berkata kepadamu,
Sesungguhnya jika seorang tidak dilahirkan dari air dan Roh, ia tidak dapat masuk ke dalam Kerajaan Allah. Apa yang dilahirkan dari daging, adalh daging, dan apa yang dilahirkan dari Roh, adalah Roh.
ayat 8:
Angin bertiup ke mana ia mau, dan engkau mendengar bunyinya, tetapi engkau tidak tahu dari mana ia datang atau ke mana ia pergi. Demikian halnya dengan tiap-tiap orang yang lahir dari Roh.

ayat 13: Tidak ada seorangpun yang telah naik ke sorga, selain dari pada Dia yang telah turun dari sorga, yaitu Anak Manusia.
ayat 14: Dan sama seperti Musa meninggikan ular di padang gurun, demikian juga Anak Manusia harus ditinggikan.
ayat 15: Supaya setiap orang yang percaya kepada-Nya beroleh hidup yang kekal

ayat 16: Karena begitu besar kasih Allah akan dunia ini, sehingga Ia telah mengaruniakan Anak-Nya yang Tunggal, supaya setiap orang yang percaya kepada-Nya tidak binasa, melainkan beroleh hidup yang kekal.

Yoh 1:4-5
Dalam Dia ada hidup dan hidup itu adalah terang manusia. Terang itu bercahaya di dalam kegelapan dan kegelapan itu tidak menguasainya.
Yoh 3: 18-19
Barangsiapa percaya kepada-Nya, ia tidak akan dihukum; barangsiapa tidak percaya, ia telah berada di bawah hukuman, sebab ia tidak percaya dalam nama Anak Tunggal Allah.
Dan inilah hukuman itu: Terang telah datang ke dalam dunia, tetapi manusia lebih menyukai kegelapan dari pada terang, sebab perubuatan-perbuatan mereka jahat.

Tambahan Yoh 3: 20-21
Sebab barangsiapa berbuat jahat, membenci terang dan tidak datang kepada terang itu, supaya perbuatan-perbuatannya yang jahat itu tidak nampak; tetapi barangsiapa melakukan yang benar, ia datang kepada terang, supaya menjadi nyata, bahwa perbuatan-perbuatannya dilakukan dalam Allah.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Melki's ultimate realization

My thoughts are nothing or dangerous, rubbish without God's word... it should not be separated from God's words. Hereby I say, all of my thoughts are not to be understood independent from God's word.
God's words are the truth, and superior over all.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Why Sufferings? - God is recruiting

God is recruiting people of free will to become His body. Our cells move by itself, they don't always under our control and many times they are happy and some of them went through sufferings but they're still our body.
My cells are those who stick with me through sufferings and comfort. If there's a cell that won't be with me if I suffer then those cells are not my body. If I pinched my knee then it turned to become a cancer for me, then the knee is not my body.

God is hiring!

When he stopped His suffering, there would be no more new cells, no more new recruits. Suffering is our opportunity to take part in Him.

What about unbelievers who's poor? Jesus said blessed are those who are poor, blessed are those who are crying, blessed are those who are weak.

In the end all tounge shall confess that Jesus is God.

So suffering is God's grace upon us. If a muscle in our body was in pain, and our body won't feel it's pain and won't heal the muscle, wouldn't that parts of our body maybe not actually our body?
Even when we exercise to harm our own muscles, we hope that our body would be motivated to help the muscle so it would became stronger.
But God wasn't harming His muscle, humans harm themselves by disobeying God.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Artificial living beings, essential elements of classifications

To create an artificial living beings, it would have to be able to have:

Hebrew 11:1 - Motivation
A spirit. (Motivation to differenciate between which is himself, which are from him, which are not from him)


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Sites pointing the timeline of the resurrection of Jesus

This is about the birth of Jesus, it was 3 BC

This talks about the time of death of Jesus 14'th Nisan, fell on Thursday

This almost 40 minutes video talks about the days of the resurrection counting from the day of crucifixion based on the torah. It was on thursday.

So here's the chronology:

Jesus was born at 3 BC, age 33 it was year 30 AD. Thursday was the 14'th Nisan day of preparation.
Jesus held the last supper.
He was risen after 3 days and 3 nights, counting starts on thursday afternoon 3pm, after the darkness... (Genesis 1:5)
Thursday - 1 day, 1 night,
Friday (High Sabbath, Exodus 12) - 1 day, 1 night
Saturday (Sabbath) - 1 day, 1 night

Monday morning he was raised...
Jesus the Lord, my Lord, help us. (us are believers who Love God).

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Rahab's inclinations

My theory says that when you prioritize an inclination it would have more potential to be practiced in the future (the inclination to make people smart, if you make other people smart, the "inclination to make people smart" will become stronger, and sometime in the future it would be prioritized more than "the inclination to make people not smart". Maybe the person you helped would help other people too, or in other ways. Then it would give rise to schools, more books, more effective and efficient way of thinking, etc).

Why there are circumstances when not prioritizing an inclination contributes more to the propagation of the inclination than prioritizing it?
(Scenario: There's a person inclines to eat, he has food in his hand but his break time was done and he had to go back to work. If he resumes eating he would loose his job and ended up making "the inclination to fulfill his hunger" weaker as he would've stripped off of his power to buy food. But if he went to work he would kept his job and "the inclination to fulfill his hunger" would became stronger as he would have the power to eat in the future.)
In this case my current explanation is, that there are hierarchies of inclinations, one inclination is to be prioritized over the other. The reason why the lower inclination got prioritized was, in order to prioritize the higher inclination. You break this chain then other inclinations wouldn't let this lower inclination to be prioritized next in reality.
Therefore the prioritization of all inclinations depends on the prioritization of other inclinations. This ties made up existence, time, space, matter.
So lets say the guy ended up not going to work, "the inclination to fulfill his hunger" became prioritized once in reality more than the inclination to help people. Then "the inclination to fulfill his hunger" will indeed became stronger in his mind and so in his person. This guy would do more to fulfill his hunger, more than he would on doing other things... therefore "the inclination to fulfill  his hunger" indeed has grew some influence.
But since "the inclination to help people" has not been prioritized, other inclinations won't let "the inclination to fulfill his hunger" to be prioritized in reality, and it happened that its status was lower than these other inclinations. Therefore the time this guy got hungry, he would search and would not find, "the inclination to fulfill his hunger" would grew weaker... and then weaker... and then weaker....

In the story of Rahab helping the spies, she lied to the guards... wouldn't this be against "the inclination to tell the truth"?
In my opinion, humans have sinned, and the act of faith of wanting to leave sinful lifestyle to a Godly lifestyle is greatly appreciated by God up to a point that the inclination would be prioritized over the inclination to punish sins.
I think Rahab received her part of salvation from her act of wanting to leave a sinful lifestyle away. And not from the act of lying...
Suppose she didn't lie to the guards what would it mean? That the inclination to tell the truth got prioritized, would it turned out a better outcome than what it was?
I don't know. And I don't want to experiment to find out God please forgive me if I've sinned.

Jesus is coming soon v.02

E=mc2 is now The sunrise is several counts forward or behind Scrutiny slows the permeation of badness Scrutiny enabled the barrages of goodn...