Thursday, July 26, 2012

Not from this world

What did He mean by 'not from this world'?
The kingdom of God is what's to be worked, to be realized, to be maintained.
So there's another kingdom that's not the kingdom of God,
This world is the kingdom of the non God.

The kingdom of the non God is where/when God is not prioritized.
We can see that corruption, injustice, sufferings, greed, have influence in existence.
Therefore, working the kingdom of God, is not always wasteful seeming.
I thought that working the kingdom of God would mean always failing, always loose in this world.
But now I realize that that's not always the case.
Whenever love is prioritized, whenever people help people to love. There's success. Therefore, there are successes for disciples of Jesus in this world.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

AntiChrist v.04

Antichrist is a body that will be after the act of obeying obselete laws.

Laws exist for purposes and after purposes been served the law must be renewed or changed in accordance with the new reality. (Time exist due to irreversibility, our intuition of time is that total interactions are always happening, irreversible, and therefore always new).

As result of the practice of the Bible, the Son (Father is the inclination to incline, Son is the inclination to obey the Father or to conform with the Father, and Holy is whatever that's not the inclination to stop inclining-the inclination to reject the inclination to stop inclining), the Son would use the form of a human for His next interaction. This is thanks to the practice of the Bible.

When some laws were prioritized, the after effect would be the creation of administrations in order to keep the laws being prioritized.
The inclination to make people smart for example, when prioritized it gave rise to schools, the internet, research centers, scholarships, etc.
Now in order to support the bible the administration is the Messiah, the leader who will lead the chosen ones, the circumcised (absent of full satisfaction in order to complete a purpose, absent of distraction, the focused ones), to keep on practicing the bible.

Now 'supposedly' the form of a human would be the end of the road, at least that's what people thought before. But Jesus used the human form differently.
The Human form could prioritize the bible in this world and would wiped out all sinners (all other humans) including the chosen ones. But that's not the plan.
Jesus sacrificed the precious, eternally expensive human form, so that the payment could be made (all solutions have to be paid back including sinful solutions), His death, would glorify violence, murder, sin. His death obseleted one potential or one opportunity of the human being to wipe out evil forever from this world.

Now we know the plan but the law now the old law that's purpose has been served, is being practiced now. All laws when practiced will give rise to administrations in support of the law. Now the next administration in support of this blasphemy of Jesus is the antichrist. The rotter, the abomination.

The key of rotting is to keep on doing the same thing when its already irrelevant.

Now the task of wiping out evil lies in the hands of the believers, the believers will become one with Jesus Christ the Son of God, and will put away evil from existence forever.
His death doesn't mean that evil has won, its just a form of payment so that God the Father would accept humans that believed in Jesus because they've paid the necessary payment to the devil.
God the source of all good solutions will accept Him as His family and will wipe out evil from existence, its not like God is so weak he only relies on one opportunity. He could create whatever circumstances needed to wipe out evil.

Cara membuat hidup lebih baik lagi v.02

Berterimakasih kepada sumber solusi,
Kurangi gesekan pencarian dalam ekonomi,
Jangan korupsi, dll.

Maksud dari berterimakasih adalah, praktekkan lagi kecenderungan-kecenderungan yang mendukung kita. Contoh bikin orang terdidik, bikin orang nyaman, publikasikan hukum, perkenalkan cinta kepada orang, praktekkan cinta, dll.

Lebih praktisnya lagi, kalau kita mendapat keuntungan, bayar kembali kepada sumber solusi kita, seperti orang tua, guru, penolong-penolong yang telah berkontribusi kepada solusi-solusi yang kita gunakan.

Sekarang keadaannya, orang membayar mahal kepada produk-produk yang harus mereka dapatkan, semakin terdesak mereka semakin mahal rela membayar. Jadi logikanya kalau mau dibayar banyak, buatlah orang terdesak.
Ini logika yang mengerikan, tapi marilah kita membayar kepada sumber solusinya, kepada orang yang sudah memberikan dasar-dasar atau fundamentalnya. Jadi walaupun ada orang yang bisa menyediakan solusi yang hebat, tapi terlebih dulu bayar kepada pemerintah yang menyediakan keamanan dulu, lalu bayar kepada gurunya, bayar kepada ilmuan yang prinsipnya dia gunakan, baru terakhir bayar ke dia.
Kapan dia dapat uang? Nanti akan tiba waktunya dia akan jadi bagian dari fundamental itu sendiri di masa depan. Karena penemuan yang hebat bisa saja hanya sedikit kontribusi dari penemunya, kebanyakan berasal dari fundamental atau hasil kerja para pendahulunya.
Walaupun penyesuaian terakhir adalah penentuan apakah solusi itu bisa jadi atau tidak, bukan berarti hasil kerja para pendahulunya tidak pantas dibayar... pertanyaannya, siapa yang lebih pantas?

Waktu saya bilang bayar kepada pemerintah saya tidak bilang bayar kepada koruptor, tapi bayar secara resmi jasa-jasa administrasi yang menjaga sehingga mungkin segala kegiatan yang kita lakukan dan rakyat-rakyat yang lain lakukan, dagang, belajar, ekspor-impor, berorganisasi, dsb.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Hallelujah My Lord is bigger than the world

Hallelujah my Lord has won
He's bigger than all comprehensions except His
He's mighty His will will be done

My lord has won
My lord the unlimited
My lord is bigger than the world
He will be forever

Everything to His enemy is not equal to Him
Everything to His enemy is just not enough to contain Him
The God of all Jesus Christ my Lord, the God of the new world.
Jesus Christ is beyond Satan's comprehension.

Jesus is coming soon v.02

E=mc2 is now The sunrise is several counts forward or behind Scrutiny slows the permeation of badness Scrutiny enabled the barrages of goodn...