Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Persatuan Gereja Gereja v.02

Dengan demikian, orang kristen bisa membuat satu gedung rumah Tuhan di satu kota. Bukan harus seperti ini, bisa saja rumah biasa atau loteng juga orang beribadah seperti di kisah para rasul. Tapi ini hanya ide saya saja.

Jadi orang-orang datang di pusat komunitas. Kemudian semuanya naik bus sama-sama ke rumah Tuhan, disana mereka menjalankan liturgi bersama-sama. Setelah selesai, mereka naik bus lagi kembali ke pusat komunitas, dan kemudian melaksanakan kegiatan bersama di sana.

Kenapa Gereja-Gereja bersatu? Karena kepribadian si pengkhotbah tidak ditunjukkan sama sekali, hanya Yesus saja yang memimpin ibadah saat liturgi, setelah itu pikiran masing2 kumpul sendiri2.

Liturgi Ibadah menurut saya

Menurut saya berdasarkan kitab perjanjian baru, wanita tidak boleh ngomong di gereja. Hal ini karena liturgi ibadah adalah suatu hubungan antara manusia dan Tuhan, dimana pria dan wanita sebagai manusia berhubungan dengan Tuhan Yesus yang sudah bangkit dari kematian.
Setelah Yesus menerima kita nanti, kita semua akan menjadi mempelai wanita. Tapi selama di dunia ini, kehadiran Yesus dilambangkan oleh seorang pria.
Ini adalah liturgis dan tidak melambangkan bahwa pria lebih baik dari wanita. Tapi seperti hukum taurat dan pengalaman orang Israel merupakan nubuatan kedatangan Tuhan, begitu juga liturgi ibadah adalah gambaran kesadaran kita akan keselamatan, bahwa dulu kita berdosa dan melalui Tuhan Yesus kita dapat memperoleh hidup.

Liturgi ibadah berlangsung serius dan teratur, dimana pengkotbah mewakili Tuhan Yesus berbicara dari Alkitab. Dia tidak boleh mewakili dirinya atau membawa egonya, perannya adalah sebagai Tuhan Yesus.
Ibadah selesai hanya dalam setengah jam sampai satu jam.

Setelah ibadah seluruh jemaat keluar dan pindah ke ruangan lain.
Di ruangan lain ini kemudian ada kegiatan komunitas, atau sharing, dimana orang membagi-bagikan lagu ciptaannya, puisi, kesaksian. Para ahli membagikan seminar, begitu juga para teolog atau ahli agama pria dan wanita mempresentasikan pandangan, pendapat, dan pengalamannya dalam menghadapi tantangan-tantangan ajaran Kristen.

Kemudian ada sesi Marketing dimana para usahawan secara bergiliran (tidak harus semua cukup 2 orang saja tapi minggu depan ganti lagi) mempresentasikan kegiatan usahanya, membawakan sampel produk, pokoknya saling membantu.

Di akhir sharing komunitas bisa makan bersama, membeli makanan dan sebagainya. Tapi seperti yang kita baca dalam injil, hal ini haruslah merupakan kegiatan yang terpisah dari rumah Tuhan.

Friday, June 8, 2012

The Focus

The Focus is not to reveal all truths, the focus is to expose all lies.

My Speculation about the future

In the future, people would be able to rise people from the dead. As we know in the Bible that Jesus is the firstborn from the dead. Though Elisha did rose the son of the shunammite woman before the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the 'firstborn' concept still holds. The resurrections by Jesus will be resurrections to the eternal life, in a new body, new earth, free from sin.Therefore I think that when people discovered how to raise people from the dead, they do not have to already believed in Jesus, they might die again.
What Christians must do is to keep on telling the good news, the gospel to the world.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Salary System, Guardians of Inclination v.08

People sometimes fight over shares of market. Doctors vs Doctors, Accountants vs Accountants, Manufacturers vs Manufacturers.
Unfortunately this might hinder some really good products from reaching the consumers. I mean cheaper and better working products. Because these products might came from people who are not specialized in the field.
Yes being specialized and always available to solve some specific problem is important, just because an accountant could farm better than a farmer doesn't mean that all of the money should go to the accountant. What if the accountant decided to go back accounting, or ran out of ideas?

People who are new to some areas sometimes ended up able to offer new perspective. They are more spiritful in doing the job because there's a sense of newness when doing so. If the habit of looking for new perspectives could be nurtured, people wouldn't have to wait years and years before getting their hands on a technology. The problem is, specialized dudes often gets agitated if some new people came in and "took" "their" market.

My solution to this problem is a little bit communistic, but still could appropriately allocate resources to the sources of solution, IMHO.

1. Appoint Guardians of inclinations. The Guardians would maintain and make sure that some inclinations would always be prioritized in reality.
Example: 1. The Guardians of the inclination to keep people secure.
2. The Guardians of the inclination to keep people healthy
3. The Guardians of the inclination to keep people informed
4. Guardians of Privacy
5. Guardians of Transport
6. Guardians of Peace

Now, allocate huge sums of money to each guardians. But reduce these salaries accordingly to problems ended up occuring in reality. Yes like insurance companies.
So if the standard salary for each Guardians of Safety is 8 million rupiahs per month, reduce it to 5 millions, if the level of crime, riots, etc happened were quite high.
If child mortality increased, reduce the salaries of the Guardians of Health.
Don't appoint the guardian of life though, as most people will die. Or you could but... that's another story.

These Guardians then would be demanded to share appropriately to significant helpers of their mission. This demand might not be regulated, but arise out of necessity.
If a Guardian seemed to take all of the money without giving back to some actual helpers, the people could choose to elect another Guardian in the future.

The difference with this system with existing governments is there are no full time job for the end helpers. Only to the Guardians, and the Guardians are not the end receiver of the salaries, they are supposed to manage the budget appropriately. Again the purpose is to not have some full time incompetence, and full time statists, as the world is changing fast.


Edit: You could have different purpose payments of salaries. Quarterly, Monthly, Yearly, depending on the concerns. Some results could only be reviewed monthly, some results yearly, some for decades.

First and foremost, all guardians must realize that they are guardians of Love. Love is the priority.

Jesus is coming soon v.02

E=mc2 is now The sunrise is several counts forward or behind Scrutiny slows the permeation of badness Scrutiny enabled the barrages of goodn...