Influence = Interactions -> because even by looking at something, you'd change its 4d or 5d shape
1d length, 2d wide, 3d volume, 4d volume + waves + your nervous system, 5d is when 4d + the guy telling the story/expressing the percept/object. (But in my opinion there are multiple paths for things to be 4d, and so on).
For example, A reporter tells a story live in action. --> the event was in 3d, plus the event was also happening in the reporter's nervous system connected by waves of lights and sounds (4d), and the reporter was telling the story to us, 4d plus 4d in our nervous system connected with media networks and light waves and sounds. I think its ok to move on now.
Experiencing influence = Executing interaction = Exercising of laws
Love is the tendency to keep on experiencing interactions / executing influence forever. By definition, there's a law within love, that is:
- To interact/influence/be influenced only by the type of interactions that would lead to interactions after interactions forever. (lovely interactions)
- To not interact in the way of not leading to eternal (forever) experiencing of interactions. (not lovely interactions)
The law is the word, According to the gospel, Jesus was the word that became human, so... what does it mean?
1d length, 2d wide, 3d volume, 4d volume + waves + your nervous system, 5d is when 4d + the guy telling the story/expressing the percept/object. (But in my opinion there are multiple paths for things to be 4d, and so on).
For example, A reporter tells a story live in action. --> the event was in 3d, plus the event was also happening in the reporter's nervous system connected by waves of lights and sounds (4d), and the reporter was telling the story to us, 4d plus 4d in our nervous system connected with media networks and light waves and sounds. I think its ok to move on now.
Experiencing influence = Executing interaction = Exercising of laws
Love is the tendency to keep on experiencing interactions / executing influence forever. By definition, there's a law within love, that is:
- To interact/influence/be influenced only by the type of interactions that would lead to interactions after interactions forever. (lovely interactions)
- To not interact in the way of not leading to eternal (forever) experiencing of interactions. (not lovely interactions)
The law is the word, According to the gospel, Jesus was the word that became human, so... what does it mean?